
Robert Giugliano, MD


Lipid-lowering Injectable Antibodies: The Next Big Thing?

PCSK-9 inhibition in patients with recalcitrant hypercholesterolemia has reaped reductions in LDL-C of up to 85% after the first week of therapy.

Robert J. Bonasera, MD


Liver Abscess

Three weeks after undergoing gastric bypass surgery for obesity, a 64-year-old woman presented with fatigue, chills, and abdominal pain of 2 days' duration. She denied shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, changes in bowel habits, melena, and hematochezia. The patient had no significant past medical history.

Robert J. Dachs, MD


Chest Pain: 10 Common Myths and Mistakes

ABSTRACT: Atypical clinical presentations in the quality, intensity, and radiation of pain are common in patients with acute coronary syndromes. Women with an acute myocardial infarction (AMI) are more likely to have atypical symptoms, such as dyspnea, than men. A history of acute anxiety or a psychiatric diagnosis does not preclude the possibility of an acute coronary event in a patient with chest pain. The clinical response to a GI cocktail, sublingual nitroglycerin, or chest wall palpation does not reliably identify the source of pain. Over-reliance on tests with poor sensitivity, such as the ECG, or on the initial set of cardiac biomarkers will miss many patients with MI. Serial troponin levels obtained at 3- to 6-hour intervals are recommended to evaluate the extent of myocardial damage. Coronary angiography that detects mild non-obstructive disease does not exclude the possibility of sudden plaque rupture and acute coronary occlusion.

Robert Jasmer, MD


Hospitals May Overfeed Newly Born Babies With Formula

WINNIPEG, Manitoba -- Physiologically appropriate infant weight loss is less for babies fed formula in the hospital than for those who are breastfed, suggesting that hospitals feed too much, researchers said.

Robert Jones, DO


Photo Dx: Achilles Tendon Rupture? Tendonitis? Bursitis? Something Else?

Does an Achille’s tendon rupture, tendonitis, bursitis, or something else underlie sudden heel and lower leg pain?

Robert Kruklitis, MD, PhD


Cryptococcal cavitary pneumonia in an immunocompetent patient

Cryptococcus neoformansmost commonly infects personswith an underlying T-cellimmunodeficiency. It hasbeen nicknamed the "sugarcoatedkiller" because it cancause a devastating disseminatedillness in immunosuppressedpatients. C neoformansrarely causes primaryinfection in an immunocompetentpatient. We present acase of pulmonary cryptococcosisthat occurred in an otherwisehealthy man.

Robert L. Bratton, MD


Older Man With Fever and Tender Rash

For 1 week, a 77-year-old man had a fever and a tender, nonpruritic rash on both palms (Figure 1) and on the anterior aspect of both knees (Figure 2). Two weeks earlier, he had hives, which ameliorated after a 10-day course of cetirizine and a tapering course of prednisone. He also had headaches almost daily for the previous 6 to 8 weeks.

Robert L. Moser, MD


An HIV-infected patient with bilateral pneumonia

A 43-year-old homeless woman presented with a 2-week history of fever, chills, sweats, generalized pain, and cough that was productive of purulent green-yellow sputum mixed with blood. She reported a 15-lb weight loss over the past 6 weeks.

Robert L. Soley, MD


Case 5: Multiple Keloids in Pierced Ear

A 23-year-old woman presented with medial and lateralpruritic keloids on her right earlobe, which had beenpierced several years earlier. These lesions began to developduring the patient’s pregnancy 2 years earlier.Keloids also were noted on the presternal region. Thepatient reported that these had begun as pimples thatspontaneously enlarged.

Robert Levine, DO


Erythema Nodosum Erythema on Forearms and Legs of a 42-Year-Old Man

A mildly painful, nonpruritic rash on the forearms and legs prompted a 42-year-old man to go to the emergency department (ED). The patient noted the rash when he awoke that morning. He had had joint pain and fever for the past 7 days and generalized malaise with chills that began about 3 days earlier. He had no significant medical history.

Robert M. Centor, MD


Answers to a reader’s question on: Throat cultures for pharyngitis

I have seen conflicting recommendations concerning the use of throat cultures and empirical antibiotic therapy in patients with pharyngitis. When do you consider throat cultures to be indicated? Are your recommendations different for children than for adults?

Robert M. Siwiec, MD


Foreign-Body Ingestion in a Man With Parkinson Disease Dementia

A 74-year-old man who had Parkinson disease dementia presented with constipation and bloating associated with abdominal pain.

Robert N. Jamison, PhD


Addressing Abuse and Misuse of Opioid Analgesics

Opioid analgesics provide effective treatment for noncancer pain, but many physicians have concerns about adverse effects, tolerance, and addiction. Misuse of these drugs is prominent in patients with chronic pain. Recognition and early prevention of misuse helps physicians identify the causes and proceed with patient care. Most persons with chronic pain have a significant medical comorbidity (eg, asthma) that affects treatment decisions.

Robert Novo, DO


Four Types of Kaposi Sarcoma

A 46-year-old man with AIDS (CD4+ cell count, 150/μL) presented with a painful nodular lesion on the plantar surface of his right foot. The lesion had appeared 1 month earlier as a painless, 1-cm, raised, reddish purple nodule and had progressively enlarged to 5 cm. Six months earlier, the patient had cryosurgery to remove a similar, larger lesion on the posterior aspect of his right midcalf.

Robert P. Blereau, MD


Head and Shoulder Lesions: Common Diseases, Uncommon Locations

Three cases of lesions often seen in primary care, 2 seen in uncommon locations. Test your visual diagnostic skills.

Robert P. Lennon, MD, JD


Scabies: Timely Diagnosis Key to Containment, Relief

A scabies diagnosis can be made with a history of pruritus that is worse in the evening with a rash in a typical distribution and a history of itching in close contacts.

Robert Ramsey, MD


Acute lymphoblastic leukemia presenting with an acute fibrinous and organizing pneumonia

The authors report a case of adult-onset acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) presenting with a right upper lobe infiltrate associated with acute fibrinous and organizing pneumonia (AFOP), which resolved spontaneously during the course of chemotherapy.

Robert S. Valet, MD


Allergic Rhinitis: Update on Your Therapeutic Choices

Many pharmacological options exist for allergic rhinitis. Intranasal corticosteroids are the most effective medication class for patients with moderate to severe symptoms; those with milder intermittent symptoms can be treated with a second-generation oral or intranasal antihistamine.

Robert Salinas, MD


Drug Therapy in the Elderly:

Numerous factors put elderly patients at risk for adverse drug events. On average, they take at least 6 medications a day, which increases the likelihood of drug-drug interactions. In addition, many drugs that are safe and effective in younger patients are inappropriate for older persons because of age-related changes and comorbid conditions that affect absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination. First-pass metabolism decreases with age, which may increase systemic absorption of some oral nitrates, ß-blockers, estrogens, and calcium channel blockers. The age-related rise in body fat increases the volume of distribution of lipid-soluble compounds, such as diazepam, and prolongs clearance. About two thirds of elderly persons have impaired kidney function; in these patients, the dosage of renally excreted drugs-such as digoxin-needs to be reduced. Other strategies for avoiding adverse drug events are detailed here.

Robert Skinner, Jr., MD


Two Feet - One Hand Syndrome

A 41-year-old man presented with a 3-month history of itchy, scaly feet and right hand. The left hand was unaffected.

Robert Steelman, MD


Congenital Ranula

A 1-day-old neonate was brought for evaluation of a mass on the floor of her mouth. The swelling was fluctuant and had a bluish tint. No bruit was detected. There was mild tongue elevation but no airway obstruction. Other than this swelling, physical examination findings were normal. The infant was born at term and was breast-feeding.

Robert T. Keenan, MD, MPH


Post-Test on Gout in Primary Care

Use this short test to gauge how much you’ve learned about a condition that needs more primary care involvement.

Robert T. Keenan, MD, PhD


All About Gout for Primary Care: Treating Chronic Disease

Preventing further acute attacks and decreasing the tophi burden becomes a secondary goal.

Robert Zaiden, MD


Large B-Cell Lymphoma

Progressively worsening nasal congestion and headaches with diplopia and left proptosis for 2 months prompted an ophthalmology consultation for a 67-year-old woman. She had been evaluated multiple times for allergic rhinitis and recurrent sinusitis.

Roberto Baun Corales, DO


Editorial Comment: Foreign-born Latinos With HIV/AIDS–Improving Clinical Care

Although the observations of del Rio and colleagues1 stemming from their study of foreign-born, HIV-infected Latinos are limited to a certain geographic area, their findings should stimulate further research to better understand and provide better health care to ethnic and minority groups living with HIV/AIDS in the United States.

Roberto Bergamaschi, MD


Disease Modifying Therapies: Do They Modify Short- and Long-Term in Multiple Sclerosis?

Here: evidence that disease-modifying therapies can positively affect the long-term evolution of multiple sclerosis.

Roberto Rodriguez, MD


Chest Film Clinic: What caused this man's dyspnea, chest pain, and atrial fibrillation?

A 52-year-old man presented to his primary care physician with shortness of breath for 5 days, right-sided lower thoracic back pain, and dry cough. The patient was a 15-pack-year cigarette smoker who had emigrated from China to the United States in 1989. He had no significant history of occupational exposure or tuberculosis. He had no significant weight loss, and his past medical history was otherwise unremarkable.

Robin Guo, MD


Time to Retire Beta-Blockers in Uncomplicated Hypertension?

A comprehensive review of the evidence for the work-horse drugs indicates it's not quite time, yet.

Rocky Benoit, MD


Arthropod Bites--Real and Imagined Fire Ant Stings Scabies Formication

Red imported fire ants (Solenopsis invicta) were introduced into the United States in the 1930s by ships from South America that docked in Mobile, Ala. Fire ants are now active throughout the southeast Sunbelt states. Colonies are also found in California; one of the largest is in Orange County.

Roderick Remoroza, MD


Pancreatic Carcinoma

A 74-year-old man had vague abdominal pain, jaundice, pruritus, gray stools, and dark urine. A painless, palpable mass in his right upper quadrant was found at examination.

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