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sNDA Goes to FDA for neffy 1 mg for Young Children with Type 1 Allergic Reactions

September 11th 2024

The needle-free nasal spray, if approved, would be the first new administration method for epinephrine in young children in 35 years.

FDA Approves Neffy as First Nasal Spray for Allergic Reactions: Daily Dose / image credit: ©New Africa/AdobeStock
FDA Approves Neffy as First Nasal Spray for Allergic Reactions: Daily Dose

August 20th 2024

FDA Approves First Intranasal Epinephrine for Emergency Treatment of Allergic Reactions image credit ©Waldenmarus/
FDA Approves First Intranasal Epinephrine for Emergency Treatment of Allergic Reactions

August 9th 2024

Topline Data Released on Self-Administered Epinephrine Sublingual Film for Severe Allergy  / image credit breathing difficulty: ©New Africal/
Topline PK Data Released on Self-Administered Epinephrine Sublingual Film for Severe Allergy

July 26th 2024

ARS Pharma Submits Response to FDA Complete Response Letter for neffy (epinephrine nasal spray) / image credit word map anaphylaxis ©kalpis/
ARS Pharma Submits Response to FDA Complete Response Letter for neffy (epinephrine nasal spray)

April 3rd 2024

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