A 45-year-old man comes to see you for a routine physical.He has no complaints and no significant medical history.However, while questioning him you discover that he usedintravenous heroin until about 10 years ago-and sometimesshared needles. He also drank 6 or more beers a day for about 20 years, a practicehe stopped at the same time that he quit using illicit drugs. He has multiple tattoos,which were done at commercial parlors. He is married but has no children. His wife hasno history of hepatitis. Physical examination is unremarkable.
This family physician would never have believed she'd feel compassion for a murderer. But then, she had a patient who was one.
Dr Schommer is professor, University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy, Minneapolis. Cindy Chen, Jagannath Muzumdar and Siting Zhou are doctoral candidates at the University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy.
As treatments for HIV-1 infection have become more effective, better tolerated, and more conveniently administered, treatment success has increased, but many factors influence treatment response. In addition to issues concerning when to initiate HAART and how to optimize therapeutic potency, challenges related to resistance to antiretroviral therapy in treatment-experienced patients as well as patient demographics and adherence affect antiviral response. [Infect Med. 2008;25:294-298]
During a flight from Houston to New York, a 46-year-old man had fever, chills, rigors, and body aches. After he landed, he sought treatment at a local hospital. The patient was on his way back to Liberia, where he works. He had been at home in Houston for several weeks. In the emergency department, he complained only of subjective fever.
The patient's medical history was notable for hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and seizure disorder. Here, find images and lab results; then select a diagnosis.
A serum alkaline phosphatase (ALP) level three times higher than normal, found on routine laboratory examination, prompted further evaluation of a 57-year-old man. At admission, his temperature was 36.8°C (98.2°F), blood pressure was 120/85 mm Hg, pulse rate was 90 beats per minute, and respiration rate was 19 breaths per minute. The physical examination was unrevealing, and the patient's personal and family medical histories were unremarkable.
Nocardia asteroides is a rarecause of pulmonary or disseminatedinfection in immunocompetentpersons. Pleuralcompromise is common, butempyema necessitatis is veryrare. The authors describe anapparently immunocompetentpatient with N asteroides infectionwho had chest wallcompromise mimicking empyemanecessitatis.
Epidermoid cysts may be treated with intralesional injections of phosphatidylcholine to avoid potential recurrence, eliminate scarring, and reduce cost.
A 37-year-old man presented to the emergency department with painful, burning, blistering skin lesions. The lesions started 3 days earlier on the face and spread to the trunk and extremities. Ten days before presentation, the patient had received a diagnosis of AIDS.
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Abstract: Because of recent advances, more patients may potentially benefit from a variety of interventional bronchoscopic techniques. Nd:YAG laser phototherapy is the most widely used modality and is the treatment of choice for patients with endobronchial malignancies who have large-central airway obstruction. Cryotherapy may be superior to Nd:YAG phototherapy for more distal airways lesions because of the lower risk of airway perforation, but it may be suboptimal for bulky airways disease that requires quick relief of obstruction. Brachytherapy relieves symptoms, such as cough, dyspnea, and hemoptysis, in many patients who have locally invasive airway malignancies. Endobronchial ultrasonography appears to be a safe and sensitive method for staging lung cancer. In select patients with emphysema, a 1-way endobronchial valve can be used to reduce lung volumes. Bronchial thermoplasty is being studied as a potential treatment for asthma. (J Respir Dis. 2006;27(10):415-428)
This lesion had appeared in the right groin of a 60-year old man and had slowly enlarged over a month (A). Two years before this evaluation, he had undergone total prostatectomy with lymph node dissection for prostate carcinoma. Metastatic disease was found in a resected lymph node, and he underwent multiagent chemotherapy.
A 17-year-old sexually active young woman presented with sudden loss of vision in the left eye 2 weeks before presentation.
A 36-year-old woman presented to the emergency department with loss of vision in the right eye that had initially involved the peripheral field and progressed over 2 months to the central and nasal fields. During this period, she also had headaches, vomiting, and generalized weakness. She had had amenorrhea for 1 year.
ABSTRACT: The key factor in reducing morbidityand mortality in patients with chronicobstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)continues to be smoking cessation. Newerformulations of nicotine replacementtherapy-a nasal spray and an inhaler-provide rapid delivery of nicotine and maybe appropriate for highly dependent smokers.Bupropion has been shown to improvesmoking cessation rates, either when usedalone or with a nicotine patch. Both theinfluenza and pneumococcal vaccines arerecommended to reduce the morbidity andmortality associated with respiratory infectionsin patients with COPD.
The goals of therapy in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are to ameliorate symptoms, improve daily function, preserve lung function, identify and reduce exacerbations and, if possible, decrease mortality. A comprehensiveapproach that includes prevention, early identification, and pharmacotherapy-and oxygen therapy, pulmonary rehabilitation, and/or surgery when appropriate-can optimize patient outcomes.
This obstruction is caused by a failure of intestinal peristalsis; there is no evidence of mechanical obstruction. Paralytic ileus is common after abdominal surgery, especially if anticholinergic drugs are given preoperatively and/or narcotics are used postoperatively. It usually lasts 2 to 3 days. Paralytic ileus may also be caused by peritonitis; ischemia or surgical manipulation of the bowel; retroperitoneal hemorrhage; spinal fracture; systemic sepsis; shock; hypokalemia; uremia; pharmacologic agents (eg, vincristine, loperamide, and calcium channel blockers); diabetic ketoacidosis; and myxedema.
We have to let patientsknow that theimpact of mammography isnot that large-especiallyin women aged 40 to 49years. We simply do notknow whether early detectionof breast cancer leadsto improved outcomes inthis age group.
Internal medicine doctors train predominantly in our high-tech academic medical centers, yet most will provide outpatient care. Here, Dr Andrew Morris-Singer frames one of modern health care’s greatest disconnects.
This case represents an unusualcomplication of cellulitiscaused by methicillin-resistantStaphylococcus aureus.
Health expectations and standards of safety in this part of the world are clearly different from what most of us are used to. But it is my impression that “laying on of hands” offers encouragement and hope.
A 63-year-old African American man presented with severe epigastric pain of 1 day's duration. The pain was sharp and continuous and radiated toward the left flank. There were no aggravating or relieving factors or previous similar episodes.
ABSTRACT: Asymmetry-whether of strength, reflexes, or sensory function-is an important localizing finding in the neurologic evaluation. Asymmetric deficits of strength may indicate an acute CNS lesion. Symmetric hyperreflexia or hyporeflexia alone is not diagnostic; compare reflexes between sides of the body and between upper and lower extremities. The extensor plantar response (Babinski reflex) suggests an upper motor neuron lesion. During the sensory examination, look for asymmetry and determine whether both light touch and pinprick sensation are intact. Simultaneous stimulation with 2 sharp objects on opposite sides of the body-done to detect extinction of response on 1 side-can uncover subtle sensory deficits.
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Chronic diarrhea presents difficulties for clinicians as well as for patients. Because the differential diagnosis is enormous, management can be challenging. In this article, we present a strategy for quickly narrowing the differential based on a simple analysis of stool characteristics. We then describe an appropriate workup for each of the basic types of diarrhea.
A 58-year-old man with a past medical history of chronic sinus disease and hypothyroidism presented with left periorbital pain and erythema that worsened despite outpatient treatment with topical antibiotics. An outpatient CT scan showed pansinusitis and orbital stranding. The diagnosis was orbital cellulitis and sinusitis.
The development of a standardized treatment that simultaneously addresses achalasia and obesity is becoming more imperative as obesity becomes epidemic in the US. Here’s a case in point.
These joint deformities occurred in a 61-year-old man with chronic tophaceous gout. The patient had had joint pain and swelling since he was 40 years old; the symptoms began in 2 fingers and were initially mild. He did not seek medical attention. Within 5 to 10 years, joint abnormalities had developed in the fingers and then in the left elbow and right ankle. The toes were not affected. He had no family history of joint pain or swelling. Serum uric acid level was 9.7 mg/dL.