January 8th 2025
The FDA approved the addition of Guillain-Barré syndrome warnings for Abrysvo and Arexvy, citing postmarketing data suggesting an increased risk.
December 18th 2024
Rebound Headache: Keys to Effective Therapy
December 31st 2006Which of these scenarios is familiarto you? •A local pharmacist calls to say thatyour patient wants another refill for thecombination analgesic containing aspirin,caffeine, and butalbital that youprescribed last week. Pharmacy recordsindicate that this patient has received250 tablets of this medication inthe last 34 days.
A Photo Quiz to Hone Dermatologic Skills
December 31st 2006A 38-year-old woman presents with a pruritic, tender rash on the trunk and extremitiesthat has not changed over the past few days. She has taken fluvastatinand sertraline for 1 year and a popular, over-the-counter weight-loss product for1 or 2 weeks. The patient denies using any other medications. She has had norecent illnesses.
Painful Rash in a Woman With HIV Infection
December 31st 2006For 2 days, a 45-year-old woman has had a painful rash on her left upper chest,upper back, neck, shoulder, and upper arm; she has also had pain around herleft ear. She describes the pain as burning, needlelike, and so severe that it hasprevented sleep; it is unrelieved by topical emollients. The rash was precededby 24 hours of a similar burning pain in the same area. No neurologic deficitsare associated with the rash. She has no history of rashes; no pain or rashesoccur elsewhere on her body.
Middle-aged Man With Worsening Foot Pain
December 31st 2006For about 3 to 4 months, a 53-year-old man has had gradually worsening footdiscomfort. He describes the discomfort as a burning sensation accompaniedby numbness and tingling. Initially, these symptoms were present only in hisfeet, but for several weeks they have involved both ankles as well. Althoughthe discomfort is always present, it is occasionally aggravated by the bed coversor by heavy woollen socks. The patient has no skin lesions, motor symptoms,or other abnormalities of his legs or feet.
Do You Recognize These Disorders?
December 31st 2006An 18-month-old girl presents with a mass in the lateralupper right orbital area (lateral brow). The lesion can bepalpated beneath the eyelid just inside the lateral aspect ofthe orbital rim. The lesion does not appear to interferewith the girl’s vision. The extraocular movements all appearnormal and, grossly, the child appears to visualizenormally with her right eye. CT reveals a well-circumscribed,cystic mass without bony involvement or deep intracranialextension.
Middle-aged Woman With Abdominal Pain, Jaundice, and Anorexia
December 31st 2006For 3 weeks, a 52-year-old woman has had right-sided, intermittent, dullabdominal pain and jaundice; these symptoms have worsened in the past fewdays. The pain radiates to the back, worsens with movement, is somewhatrelieved in certain positions, and is unrelated to eating or defecation. Duringthe past 3 weeks, she has also noticed darkening of her urine, a profound decreasein appetite, and an increase in fatigue; she has lost considerable weightbut is unsure of the exact amount. She has had no nausea, vomiting, or melenaor other change in her bowel movements.
How to Handle Chronic Cough in Kids: A Practical Approach to the Workup
December 31st 2006The patient is a 4-year-old boy who hasbeen coughing persistently for the past 2months. The mother reports that aboutthe time the coughing began, the childhad a “cold” with nasal congestion andfever. These symptoms resolved, but acough ensued. The mother tried usingover-the-counter medications, includingcough suppressants, but the cough hasnot abated. It occurs during the day andat night. It is disrupting the child’s sleep,and the teachers at his day-care centerare concerned that he may be infectingother children.
Can You Identify These Facial Findings?
December 31st 2006A 24-year-old African American man presents for a routine eye examination. Theocular findings are unremarkable; however, well-circumscribed areas of whitenedskin are noted on his forehead and hands (A and B). The patient reportsthat the patchy loss of pigment has been progressing over a number of years.
Introducing a New CONSULTANT Series:
December 31st 2006Child abuse is common. Each year in thiscountry, nearly 3 million children are reportedto Child Protective Services. Approximately50% of reports are for neglect, 30% forphysical abuse, and 20% for sexual abuse.Retrospective studies suggest that 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 8boys are sexually abused before age 18.1
Acute Dx: What Cause of Sudden Illness?
December 31st 2006A 55-year-old woman has had a lump under her right jaw for thepast 24 hours. She has difficulty in swallowing because of neck discomfort, andher voice is raspy. Both of these symptoms have progressed rapidly during thepast 12 hours. The patient has no difficulty in breathing, sore throat, or historyof recent illness. Her temperature is 38.5°C (101.5°F).
Middle-aged Woman With Headache,Middle-aged Woman With Headache,
December 31st 2006A 54-year-old Hispanic housewife presents to the emergencydepartment with a 3-week history of moderatelysevere, progressive, generalized, pulsating headache.The headache, which is partially relieved by propoxyphenenapsylate, is associated with weakness, vomiting of recentonset, and intermittent bilateral blurred vision. The symptomsbegan after an incident in which the patient’s sonwas stabbed.
Woman With Vesicles and Crusts on Her Forehead
December 31st 2006For 3 days, a 60-year-old woman hashad a tender rash on her forehead. Thelesions erupted 2 days after she sustainedminor trauma to the left side ofthe forehead (Figure 1); no scratchesor bleeding were associated with theinjury. She noted a burning sensationand mild tenderness at the site shortlybefore the lesions arose.
Cold Weather Dermatoses: How to Recognize and Treat
December 31st 2006Prolonged exposure to coldtemperatures can have a profoundeffect on the skin.When tissues are exposed toabove-freezing temperatures,localized vasoconstriction and increasedblood viscosity reduce bloodflow and decrease the amount ofoxygen available to tissues. Whentissues are exposed to freezing temperatures,water within those tissueschanges into ice crystals; this resultsin either intracellular or extracellulardamage and tissue necrosis.
Update on Rifampin and Rifabutin Drug Interactions
December 31st 2006Rifampin is associated with numerousclinically significantdrug interactions.1-4 New interactionswith rifampin-aswell as rifabutin-continue tobe reported in studies and clinical observations.Here we present highlightsof our recent update on the interactionsthat are most relevant toprimary care practice.5
Acute Dx: What Cause of Sudden Illness?
December 31st 2006A 60-year-old woman reportsthat she has felt intermittent“fullness” in her face for the past day.This sensation is present when sheis supine on the examination table.She denies shortness of breath, dysphagia,and chest discomfort. Thepatient has a 25 pack-year history ofcigarette smoking.
Erythematous Rash in Man Receiving Vancomycin Infusion
December 31st 2006A 67-year-old man with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus presents withleg pain and swelling that began 3 days earlier. Multiple ulcers are noted at thelateral malleolus. His temperature is 38.9°C (102.1°F). Right lower extremitycellulitis is diagnosed, blood samples are taken for culture, and the patient ishospitalized.
A Photo Quiz to Hone Dermatologic Skills
December 31st 2006A 28-year-old woman complains that her acne has worsened since she startedtaking minocycline for the skin condition 6 weeks earlier. She also uses a norgestimate/ethinyl estradiol oral contraceptive, which has an indication for acnetreatment. Numerous small, pruritic, erythematous follicular papules are presenton the patient’s forehead, cheeks, and nose
A Photo Quiz to Hone Dermatologic Skills
December 31st 2006A 29-year-old woman presents with a painful erosive dermatitis that has spreadin a perioral distribution during the last 2 days. She complains of a low-gradefever and swollen lymph nodes. The patient has a history of atopy; she isotherwise healthy and takes no medications.