January 8th 2025
The FDA approved the addition of Guillain-Barré syndrome warnings for Abrysvo and Arexvy, citing postmarketing data suggesting an increased risk.
December 18th 2024
A Photo Quiz to Hone Dermatologic Skills
December 31st 2006During the past few weeks, a 14-year-old boy has noticed blood on the proximalnail folds of the second and third fingers of his dominant hand. He deniesany pain or pruritus. The patient is otherwise healthy and takes no prescriptionmedications.
Acute, Severe Dyspnea in an Older Man With COPD
December 31st 2006An 82-year-old man suddenly became extremely short of breath while helpinghis wife wash dishes. The dyspnea was not accompanied by pain, and it was notrelieved by sitting. He was taken to the emergency department after diaphoresisand cyanosis developed.
Diagnostic Images, Treatment Issues
December 31st 2006A39-year-old man is brought to theemergency department (ED)after his car struck a tree. He experienceda transient loss of consciousnesswith a 3-minute episode of retrogradeamnesia at the scene of the accident,despite wearing a seat belt andshoulder harness. He was disorientedto date and place.
A Photo Quiz to Hone Dermatologic Skills
December 31st 2006For 2 days, a 43-year-old woman has had a slightly tender rash on her trunk andextremities. Five days earlier, the patient was given levofloxacin for an upperrespiratory tract infection; because she is prone to yeast infections while takingantibiotics, fluconazole also was prescribed. Her only other medication is an oralcontraceptive, which she has been taking for several years.
Acute Dx: What Cause of Sudden Illness?
December 31st 2006For 2 weeks, a 35-year-old woman has had a mass on her hand.Although it was initially painless, it now causes discomfort in the forearm,especially when the patient extends her wrist. She has no history of recenttrauma, illness, or a similar mass.
Acute Dx: What Cause of Sudden Illness?
December 31st 2006The parents of a 6-year-old child are concerned about blisterson her hands that erupted 3 days earlier and are spreading. The child isotherwise healthy and had attended a summer day camp. The parents areunaware of any trauma or exposure to allergens or toxic substances.
Elderly Woman With Severe, Worsening Dyspnea
December 31st 2006An 88-year-old woman is admitted for severe dyspnea thathas worsened over the past month. Dyspnea on exertionis now elicited by everyday activities, even walking acrossthe room. Orthopnea and paroxysmal nocturnal dyspneahave progressed to the point that she has been unable tosleep at all the past several nights. She also tires very easilyand thinks her ankles are more swollen than previously.She denies chest pain or pressure.
A Photo Quiz to Hone Dermatologic Skills
December 31st 2006For 3 months, a 57-year-old woman has had a persistent green nail that is occasionallyslightly sore; the nail plate has lifted. Another physician prescribed a7-day course of levofloxacin for a suspected Pseudomonas infection; the treatmenthad no effect on the nail. A subsequent 7-day course of norfloxacin wasalso unsuccessful. The patient is otherwise healthy.
Do You Recognize These Nail Disorders?
December 31st 2006During a routine skin examination,periungual erythema and increasedcurvature of the nail plate are notedin a 78-year-old man. The patient hasemphysema and a smoking historyof more than 50 pack-years. Currently,he requires oxygen support forregular daily activity.
Young Man With Unilateral Eye Discomfort and Redness
December 31st 2006A 25-year-old man complains of moderate discomfort, burning, redness, serousdischarge, and slightly impaired vision in his right eye; he also has mild photophobia.His symptoms began suddenly about 36 hours earlier, and the discomforthas increased steadily since that time. The left eye is unaffected.
Young Man With Cough and Dyspnea
December 31st 2006A 22-year-old man presents to theemergency department with a2-week history of a worsening nonproductive,irritating dry cough andexertional dyspnea. The patient hasbeen otherwise healthy. He deniesfever, rigors, night sweats, hemoptysis,chest pain, palpitations, orthopnea,paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea,ankle edema, and lymphadenopathy.
A Photo Quiz to Hone Dermatologic Skills
December 31st 2006A 26-year-old man who presentswith acne mentions that he has had“Raynaud’s” for 10 years. His eyelidsare pinkish violet and swollen. Nailfold telangiectases are present,and violaceous papules and scaleoverlie the joints. The patient deniesany other symptoms.
December 31st 2006Infections continue to be the leading killer of children worldwide.This text-now in its 11th edition-provides comprehensiveyet concise information on the natural history, diagnosis,treatment, and prevention of the major infections thataffect children. New to this edition are chapters on fungal infections,eye infections, cholera, dengue and dengue hemorrhagicfever, helminthic infections, and malaria. All otherchapters have been extensively revised and updated to coversuch topics as smallpox vaccination, bioterrorism, newer hepatitisviruses, and Pseudomonas infections in patients withcystic fibrosis. Included in the appendices are the indications,contraindications, adverse effects, and drug interactions ofantimicrobials used in children; the recommended childhoodand adolescent immunization schedule; and a discussion ofsevere acute respiratory syndrome. More than 50 color photographs-as well as numerous radiographs, photomicrographs,diagrams, charts, and tables-accompany the text.
Diagnostic Images, Treatment Decisions
December 31st 2006For 3 days, a 42-year-old man has had episodic dullchest pain. The anterior precordial and retrosternalpain intensifies with inspiration and movement. He has nohistory of recent viral infection, hypertension, coronaryartery disease, cardiac surgery, diabetes mellitus, or hyperlipidemia.There is no family history of cardiovasculardisease.
Chest “Tightness” in an Elderly Woman
December 31st 2006A 76-year-old woman presents with chest pain-which she describes as“muscle tightness”- that began when she awoke in the morning. Thepain is constant, exacerbated by deep inspiration, and accompanied by asubjective sense of slight dyspnea; she rates its severity as 3 on a scale of1 to 10. She denies pain radiation, nausea, diaphoresis, palpitations, andlight-headedness. Her only cardiac risk factors are hypertension and a distanthistory of smoking.
A painful, red, swollen ear; recurrent vesicles on 1 hand; a pururitic truncal eruption
December 31st 2006For 1 week, a 35-year-old woman’s left ear has been very painful, erythematous,and swollen. There is no history of insect bite or trauma. Her conditionimproved only slightly after the physician she initially consulted prescribedmethylprednisolone and cephalexin.
Low-Tech Measures Slash Catheter-Related ICU Infections
December 27th 2006BALTIMORE -- Potentially lethal ICU blood-stream infections were cut by as much as 66% through the use of inexpensive common-sense measures such as hand-washing, removal of unneeded catheters, and the use of safer catheter sites, researchers reported.