January 8th 2025
The FDA approved the addition of Guillain-Barré syndrome warnings for Abrysvo and Arexvy, citing postmarketing data suggesting an increased risk.
December 18th 2024
How Best to Treat Urinary Tract Infections in Adults:
July 1st 2004ABSTRACT: Acute and recurrent cystitis in young women, once identified, can be treated empirically without microbiologic confirmation. In these women, a urine dipstick test that is positive for nitrates or leukocyte esterase is considered diagnostic. The usual treatment is a 3-day course of an antibiotic. Prophylaxis is recommended for women who have more than 3 episodes of cystitis per year. Options include postcoital prophylaxis with a single dose of antibiotic or long-term low-dose antimicrobial therapy. In young women with acute pyelonephritis, fluoroquinolones are the treatment of choice. Empiric therapy is initiated as soon as possible in patients at risk for complicated urinary tract infections (UTIs). Alternative techniques, such as intermittent catheterization, may reduce the incidence of UTIs in patients with indwelling catheters.
Scrotal Pathology in Children:
July 1st 2004ABSTRACT: Acute scrotal pain, a high-riding testicle, and the absence of the cremasteric reflex on the affected side signal testicular torsion-a surgical emergency. The pain associated with torsion of the appendix testis is usually of gradual onset and is exacerbated by movement. The tenderness is often localized over the infarcted appendix, and the infarction may be visible through the scrotal skin (the "blue dot sign"). Pain associated with epididymitis is usually gradual in onset; the patient may complain of dysuria, increased frequency, and discharge, particularly if the causative pathogen is Chlamydia trachomatis or Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Hydroceles are smooth and nontender, and the scrotum transilluminates. If the scrotum does not transilluminate and compression of the fluid-filled mass toward the external ring completely reduces the mass, then a hernia is the more likely diagnosis. A patient with a varicocele typically complains of a sensation of heaviness and of "carrying a bag of worms."
Diving Medicine: Questions Physicians Often Ask, Part 2
July 1st 2004Most sport-diving problems are mild and self-limited; however, serious or life-threatening situations can arise. In a previous article (CONSULTANT, June 2004, page 961), we addressed fitness and safety issues. In this article, we review the principal medical problems associated with sport diving.
Herpes Zoster in an Unvaccinated Child
June 2nd 2004A painful rash suddenly developed on the chest wall of an otherwise healthy 8-year-old girl. Examination of the rash revealed grouped vesicles with an erythematous base in a linear distribution along the T5 dermatome. The child had not been vaccinated with varicella vaccine and had had chickenpox 3 years earlier.
Tinea Types: Common Dermatophyte Infections Long-Standing Tinea Corporis
June 1st 2004For more than 20 years, a 55-year-old man had a faintly erythematous, papulosquamousrash with arciform borders on his groin and waistline. The rashhad been treated with a variety of medications. Topical and oral antifungalsand antibiotics and topical corticosteroids had been used but to no avail. Nolaboratory tests had been performed.
Tinea Types: Common Dermatophyte Infections Tinea Corporis
June 1st 2004For 1 year, a 30-year-old man had an intermittent rash that was confined to thearea of his jockey shorts; no other part of the body was affected. The patientreported that the pruritic eruption arose and disappeared spontaneously andwas more prominent during the heat of summer.
Cutaneous Leishmaniasis (“Baghdad Boil”)
June 1st 2004A 33-year-old active-duty soldier who had been in Iraq for 6 months presented with a depressed lesion on his left lateral elbow of several months’ duration. It was neither healing nor enlarging. (The yellowish tint to the skin in the photograph was from a topical iodine solution.)
Tinea Types: Common Dermatophyte Infections Steroid-Exacerbated Tinea Corporis
June 1st 2004The continuous use of a corticosteroid cream briefly relieved the pruritus of anannular, papulosquamous eruption on the left anterior thigh of a 50-year-oldwoman. The lesion was present for 6 months and grew larger with applicationof the topical corticosteroid.
Matters of the Heart: Aortitis
May 2nd 2004An obese 61-year-old man who hadchronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseand sleep apnea heard a “pop”in his stomach while lifting a heavyweight; severe abdominal pain followed.He was short of breath thenext morning, and his physician empiricallyprescribed cephalexin.
Allergic Eye Disorders: Identification - Alleviation
May 1st 2004ABSTRACT: Signs and symptoms of a full-blown ocular allergic reaction include deep red vessels in the conjunctiva, itching, and swelling of the conjunctiva and eyelids. Ocular allergy can resemble nonallergic conditions, including drug-induced conjunctivitis, blepharitis, and viral or bacterial infection. A history of itching confirms a diagnosis of allergy. To distinguish allergic conjunctivitis from more serious allergic ocular diseases, inspect the lids and cornea for papillae on the upper tarsal surface, which occur in giant papillary conjunctivitis and vernal or atopic keratoconjunctivitis. Local treatment of allergic conjunctivitis consists of over-the-counter and prescription antihistamines, with or without vasoconstrictors or mast cell stabilizers. Combination mast cell stabilizer/ antihistamine topical ophthalmic agents-the newest class of medication-are considered the most effective treatment of allergic conjunctivitis. Oral antihistamines are not indicated unless a patient has an allergic condition, such as rhinitis, dermatitis, or asthma.
Foresee Your Next Patient: Nondermatophyte Onychomycosis
April 16th 2004A 46-year-old man with diabetes presented for evaluation of gradual fingernail deterioration, which had failed to respond to several courses of griseofulvin and a recent 3-month course of daily terbinafine. The patient-who worked as a bartender-was otherwise healthy.
Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma in a Woman With Pruritic, Erythematous Rash
April 16th 2004For several weeks, a 78-year-old woman had an intensely pruritic, diffuse, raised, slightly scaly, erythematous rash that persisted despite the use of several over-the-counter topical medications (such as hydrocortisone and clotrimazole cream). Since her last visit about 3 months earlier for a blood pressure reading, she had been well except for 2 episodes of night sweats.
Skin and Soft Tissue Infections: Cellulitis, Fasciitis, and Myonecrosis
April 15th 2004Sorting through the myriad of causes of soft tissue infections can be a daunting diagnostic challenge. While much is written about empiric treatment of skin and soft tissue infections, it is important to make a correct diagnosis, since clinical findings in common versus exotic and mild versus life-threatening infections have significant overlap. Historical information, such as the temporal progression of signs and symptoms, travel history, animal exposure, age, occupation, bite history, underlying diseases, and lifestyle, is important in focusing the differential diagnosis toward specific causes. Still, clinical assessment is frequently not sufficient and laboratory tests, radiographic imaging, and surgical intervention may be necessary to establish a specific diagnosis and to provide the rationale for definitive management.
Man With Nausea, Fever, and Rash Following a Diarrheal Illness
April 2nd 2004A 52-year-old man complains of nausea, fever, and malaise following a 2-day diarrhealillness that developed at the end of a family vacation in New England.Two family members suffered a similar illness, characterized by watery diarrhea.Symptoms developed in all who were affected within 24 hours of eatinghamburgers at a local restaurant.
Cutaneous Signs of Vascular Disorders: Small-Vessel Leukocytoclastic Vasculitis
April 2nd 2004A 70-year-old man who had just completeda course of trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazolefor a urinary tract infectionpresented with palpable purpuraand cutaneous erosions of acute onseton his legs (A). He also had massivescrotal edema and purpura (B).
Varied Presentations of Tinea Versicolor: Case 2 Truncal Tinea Versicolor
March 2nd 2004Large, reddish tan, asymptomatic patches recently developedon the trunk of a 36-year-old man. Five years earlier,a similar outbreak had resolved after a 10-day course oforal ketoconazole; this episode was the first recurrence.