January 8th 2025
The FDA approved the addition of Guillain-Barré syndrome warnings for Abrysvo and Arexvy, citing postmarketing data suggesting an increased risk.
December 18th 2024
Elephantiasis Verrucosa Nostrum
September 1st 2003A 62-year-old obese woman with adult-onset type 1 diabetes mellitus had a 6-year history of bilateral leg edema. During the last year, the edema worsened and the skin on her legs thickened. She also had multiple, bilateral, painful, superficial ulcers that drained copiously.
Obese Young Girl With Acanthosis Nigricans and Vaginal Yeast Infection
September 1st 2003A 12-year-old African American girl comes to youroffice for a well-child checkup. She is tall for herage (height above the 95th percentile) and obese(body mass index [BMI] above the 95th percentile).Physical examination reveals acanthosisnigricans on her neck, axilla, and upper abdominalregion (Figure) and a vaginal yeast infection.Routine urinalysis reveals a glucose level ofgreater than 1000 mg/dL, with negative proteinand ketones. A random blood glucose test, obtainedbecause of the glucosuria, is 249 mg/dL.
Man With Chronic Eustachian Tube Dysfunction, Otitis Media, and Hearing Loss
September 1st 2003A 31-year-old man presents with a2-week history of a constant, dull acheand hearing loss in the right ear. Healso complains of intermittent sharppains that are usually followed bydrainage through the external auditorycanal. Another practitioner diagnosedacute otitis media with tympanic membraneperforation, for which he prescribeda 10-day course of amoxicillin.The patient completed the regimen buthas obtained no relief.
Smallpox Vaccination: The Risks for Patients With Atopic Dermatitis
September 1st 2003Because of recent threats of bioterrorism, smallpox vaccination was reinstated in the United States earlier this year. Since January 2003, more than 35,000 civilian and public health care workers in 54 jurisdictions have been vaccinated.
Dyshidrosis and Photoallergic Drug Reaction
August 2nd 2003A slightly pruritic, red, scaly rash on an 8-year-old boy’shands has been progressively worsening since it appeared4 months earlier. Nail pitting also was noted. There are noother rashes on his body. The patient is active in sports;denies any new exposure to soaps, clothing, or other contactants;and spends time in the homes of his recently divorcedparents.
Preventive Medicine and the "Road to Hell"1
August 1st 2003Many of my patients are confused. So aremany of my colleagues. Official bodies ofexperts barrage the media with pronouncementson what constitutes goodpreventive medicine: screening tests, eatingor abjuring certain foods, avoidance of exposures tosun or environmental hazards, "correct" behaviors. Althoughthey acknowledge that the data are, and alwayswill be, imperfect, these experts try their best to directpeople in the way that the evidence points-for now.
West Nile Virus Infection: Are You Prepared?
August 1st 2003n the United States, the number of cases and geographic range of West Nile virus infection have increased since 1999, when the virus first surfaced in the Western Hemisphere. This year, the virus is expected to spread to all states except Alaska and Hawaii.
Fournier Gangrene in a 77-Year-Old African American Man
June 1st 2003A 77-year-old African American man with type 2 diabetes mellitus and coronary artery disease presented to the emergency department with acute scrotal swelling and pain. His testicles were erythematous with focal areas of necrosis and associated tissue destruction. Similar skin changes were apparent in the lower abdominal and inguinal regions.
CASE 5: Palmoplantar Psoriasis
June 1st 2003A 63-year-old woman presents withdiffuse hyperkeratosis of the solesand palms. She also has onycholysis-separation of the nail plate fromthe nail bed-and salmon-coloredplaques behind her ears. Biopsy ofone of the plaques confirms the suspecteddiagnosis of psoriasis.
Psoriasis: Update on Therapy for the Various Manifestations
June 1st 2003A middle-aged man with"jock itch" that has failed torespond to antifungal creams.An older woman who has diffusehyperkeratosis of predominantlyweight-bearing surfaces.A young man with mildlypruritic, small, salmon pinkpapules and thick white scaleon his trunk and arms.