Acute Widespread Rash in a 9-month-old Boy
What is the cause of this erythematous rash that appeared suddenly and spread rapidly on the child's trunk and extremities?
Dyspnea and Intermittent Chest Pain in a 64-year-old Woman
Video: Patient's ADLs were unaffected by symptoms until 2 days ago. She arrives at ED directly from PCP's office, after echo. Dx?
A 13-year-old Girl with a Vesicular Rash on Palms
VIDEO: The child's hands are chronically dry but the skin has recently begun to crack; vesicular rash appeared after an ocean swim. Dx?
Progressive Rash and Arthralgias in a Teenage Male
PT Video: A short course of steroids was ineffective. He returns to ED c/o worsening joint and abdominal pain. Can you Dx?
Racing Heart, Chest Pain in a 65-year-old Man
VIDEO: Palpitations persist in ED; no history of cardiac issues. Incident is first of its kind for this patient. Watch the interview.
A 47-year-old Man with Peripheral Edema
VIDEO: Note marked tumescence in patient’s hands, pitting edema in lower extremities. Does PMH contribute? Dx?
Head-to-Toe Rash on a 17-year-old Boy
VIDEO: The non-pruritic rash began on his chest and spread rapidly over 3 days. Get a closer look; what's your diagnosis?
Abdominal Pain, Altered Mental Status in a 60-year-old Woman
VIDEO: Patient reports progressive weakness x1 month. Acute abdominal pain/emesis began earlier in the day. What's in your differential dx?
A Friable Lesion on the Neck of a 15-year-old Boy: Dx?
Video: The lesion bleeds easily and grows back quickly when "knocked off."
A 17-year-old Male with a Full-body Rash
PT VIDEO: The non-pruritic rash spread from his chest over 3d; no response to prednisone. What do you suspect?
Severe Abdominal Pain, Rectal Bleeding in a 51-year-old Man
VIDEO: Patient reports worsening pain/bleeding x 4 days; history of diverticulitis. Watch abdominal exam, interview. Your impressions?
16-year-old Male with 6 Days L-sided Chest Pain
VIDEO: The patient describes the pain as sharp and says movement and leaning forward make it worse. Your suspicion?
Right-sided Weakness, Headache in a Young Girl
VIDEO: A 12 y/o girl reports 5 episodes (45 mins each) of headache, hemiplegia in the past 24 hours. Can you make the Dx?
Tachycardia in a 39-year-old Woman
VIDEO: The patient says her "heart was beating out of her chest." Complains of dyspnea, faintness. PMH, here. Your Dx?
Teen Boy with a Progressive Pruritic Rash
VIDEO: The lesions appear oval with trailing edge scale. Note the the pattern and distribution in the video interview; what's your diagnosis?
Facial Droop and Weakness in a 69-year-old Woman
Patient has avoided medical consult despite left arm pain and weakness because she did not note any alarming facial change.
Middle-aged Man with Acute Swelling Under Jaw
Patient describes extreme pain and submandibular progressive swelling after molar extraction several days earlier. Watch video exam.
Severe Otalgia and Fever in a 6-year-old Boy
Video: Right ear pain and purulent drainage have not improved despite antibiotic Rx several days ago. Watch the exam. What's your Dx?
A 40-year-old Man with Severe Arm Pain, Swelling
Pt calls 911 for chest pain. In transit, signs, symptoms, history of the real problem are unmistakable. Your Dx?
Seizure in a 7-year-old Boy
He is actively seizing when EMS arrives. Mother says this happens once a year, about the same time. Details, in the video.
Acute Facial Edema, Erythema in a 58-year-old Man
Pt video: Woke with symptoms. PMH: hypertension, arrhythmias. PPD smoker, drinks ETOH. More history, here.
A 54-year-old Woman with Chest Pain Radiating to Jaw
The patient felt like her "head would explode" from the pain on the left side of her face. Watch the ED video and formulate your own diagnosis.
A 5-year-old with a Hand Burn
The mother reports the child spilled hot liquid while removing a cup from the microwave. Does the injury match the claim?
An Elderly Man with Worsening Chest Pressure
Patient describes worsening chest pain for 2 years; also easy bruising, bleeding. Follow ED exam on video. What's your diagnosis?
An 8-year-old Boy with Acute Facial Swelling
Four days of facial swelling was preceded by several months of fatigue, leg pain, rapid weight gain. Watch the video exam for more clues to Dx.
A 4-year-old Boy with Severe, Painful Rash
Watch this live video exam and hear details from the boy's mother about the acute, widespread eruption. What's your diagnosis?
Young Boy with Back Pain after Diving Accident
The pain was immediate at T5-6 after he struck his head on the pool bottom. Can you Dx his injury based on the video interview?
Teenage Boy with Sighing Respirations
What is causing this 14-year-old boy’s “shortage of breath"? Watch the video for clues and choose your diagnosis.
3-Year-Old Boy With Unilateral Facial Swelling
The child is bright and alert and has no fever. The swelling is on the left side of the face only. Find other clues to a diagnosis in the accompanying video.
An 11-Month-Old Boy With Cough, Wheezing, and Fever
Watch this video taken during examination of the child. Listen as he cries. Is there a clue to the diagnosis?