A 12-Month-Old Girl With Severe Abdominal Pain
The child’s episodic tantrum-like behavior and crying was only briefly soothed. Watch the video-is there a clue here to a diagnosis?
A Young Girl With Recurring Alopecia
At age 4 years, this young girl’s hair is falling out for the second time after growing back completely. She is otherwise healthy. Watch the video and make your diagnosis.
Child With Abdominal Pain and Swelling After Car Accident
The child is alert and able to speak. Physical examination reveals abdominal contusions and inguinal lacerations. The abdomen is distended and painful to the touch. Watch the video, review the history, and make your diagnosis.
A Teen Too Exhausted to Attend School
The 15-year-old presents with a sore throat, congestion, and malaise. Her mother, afraid she will infect her siblings, requests a strep test. Review the history, watch the video exam. What’s your diagnosis?
A Middle-Aged Woman With Severe Flank Pain
Accompanying vomiting and fever raised suspicion for appendicitis and a CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis was ordered. Watch the ED video, review the history, and make your diagnosis.
Teen With Dyspnea After Chest Wall Trauma
X-rays offer no clue to the cause of dyspnea in this teen who cannot take a deep breath after crashed on his bicycle. Watch the short video, read the clues, and make your diagnosis.
10-Year-Old With Infected Toe Laceration
The sutures that were placed after this boy cut his toe with a piece of glass were removed after the wound became infected. What’s going on?
13-year-old With Hyperpigmented Rash
This 13-year-old boy presents with hyperpigmented skin on his neck. He is 66.75 inches and weighs 232 pounds. Your suspicion?
1-Year-Old With "Bullseye" Rash
This afebrile baby presents with a target-shaped, centripetal rash. He has been taking amoxicillin for 5 days for an ear infection.
Teen With Itchy Papular Rash on Face and Arms
This monomorphic papular rash is unrelated to medications, recent sickness, or exposure to poison oak. It developed about 6 days earlier.
16-Year-Old With Pruritic Rash
This highly pruritic rash has been present for about 2 weeks. The teen says he believes it is spreading. What's your diagnosis?
10-Month-Old With Macular Spreading Rash
A macular rash has been spreading for 5 days after the cheerful child started amoxicillin therapy. What’s the most likely cause?
Vesicular Rash in a Teenage Wrestler
This rash began as a small red patch about 10 days earlier while the patient was at wrestling camp.
4-Year-Old With Widespread Weepy Rash
Does this rash look like impetigo? Herpes? Tinea? Cellulitis? Here's a close look and a link to the answer and discussion.
Myocardial Infarction - or Something Else?
Radiating chest pain and sweating in a middle-aged man who describes a history of anxiety: looks like classic MI, but is it? Watch the video for clues.
Atrial Fibrillation Video: Symptoms, Cardioversion Strategies
A nurse describes his own bout with atrial fibrillation-the symptoms and his attempts to cardiovert to normal rhythm-from his hospital bed.