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States with Higher COVID-19 Vaccination Rates Saw Reduction in Pediatric Asthma Prevalence / Image credit: ©Alessandro Grandini/AdobeStock
States with Higher COVID-19 Vaccination Rates Saw Reduction in Pediatric Asthma Prevalence

July 9th 2024

A new study shows that higher vaccination rates were associated with a decrease in the prevalence of parent-reported asthma symptoms in children.

Find and Treat Asthma and COPD: All Interventions Make a Difference, Study Concludes ©Crystal Light/
Find and Treat Asthma and COPD: All Interventions Make a Difference, Study Concludes

May 22nd 2024

©Oleksandr/ via AI
AstraZeneca at ATS 2024: Look for Late-Breaking Data on Novel Therapeutics for COPD

May 8th 2024

Tezepelumab for COPD Moves into Phase 3 Planning, Says Amgen / image credit Amgen logo ©MichaelVi/
Tezepelumab for COPD Moves into Phase 3 Planning

April 17th 2024

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