February 27th 2025
While the data on zonisamide efficacy for migraine in youths is preliminary, all study participants experienced a 66% reduction in headaches after 1 month of treatment.
Osteoporosis:What to Tell Patients About Prevention and Treatment
April 15th 2006Osteoporosis is no longer consideredage- or sex-dependent, although prevalencevaries by sex and race. Postmenopausalwhite women suffer almost75% of all hip fractures and havethe highest age-adjusted rate of fracture.Thanks to progress in our understandingof causes and treatments, thisdisease is largely preventable, and significantimprovements in morbidityand mortality are possible. The beststrategy for prevention and treatmentuses a team approach that involves thepatient, physician, health educators, dietitians,and physical therapists.
Early Intervention in a Case of Migraine With Depression
April 1st 2006The patient presented with left-sided, throbbing headaches that had gradually increased in severity and frequency. These headaches, which occurred once or twice a month, were associated with photophobia, phonophobia, and nausea, and usually lasted 8 to 12 hours. The headaches affected the patient's job performance and attendance, and she complained of fatigue, lack of sleep, and difficulty in concentrating.
Severe Migraine: Options for Acute Therapy in the Emergency Department
March 2nd 2006A 36-year-old man with a 15-year history of episodic migraine presents to the emergency department (ED) at 5 AM witha right-sided throbbing headache of 4 hours' duration. The headache awakened him, which is typical of his more severemigraine attacks. Unfortunately, the patient forgot to refill his prescription for pain medication and did not "catch" thisheadache in time. He took an over-the-counter combination of aspirin and caffeine, which seemed to help for about 60minutes, but the headache has returned full force. He has vomited twice-another characteristic typical of his migraineattacks
Clinical Consultation: Distinguishing sinus headache from migraine
March 1st 2006This is a difficult question, because most "sinus headaches" are migraines.1-3 In fact, there is no such thing as a sinus headache. The International Headache Society (IHS) defines a headache attributable to rhinosinusitis according to the criteria listed in Table 1.4 This requires a diagnosis of acute rhinosinusitis and a headache that occurs at the same time.
Spontaneous Internal Carotid Artery Dissection
February 1st 2006A 36-year-old man who had collapsedand sustained a bruised right shoulderwas brought to the emergency departmentwith acute emesis, cephalgia,blurred vision, aphasia, and righthemiparesis. He was confused but ableto follow simple commands.
The Dizzy Patient: How You Can Help
February 1st 2006Most primary care practitioners approach the patient who complains of dizziness with some trepidation. This is chiefly because the differential diagnosis involves multiple organ systems and a wide variety of disorders. In this article, I offer a rational, straightforward, and cost-effective approach that uses only minimal, selective diagnostic testing.
Cholesterol (Hollenhorst) Plaque
January 31st 2006A 71-year-old man presented with a 6-week history of decreased vision in his right eye. The patient, who had hypertension and migraine headaches, had successfully recovered from a stroke that occurred 1 year earlier. His medications included aspirin, 81 mg/d, clopidogrel, atenolol, and furosemide. He also took gabapentin, 300 mg hs, for his migraine headaches. He had a remote history of cigarette smoking.
Clinical Consultation: Does acetaminophen trigger--or even cause--asthma?
November 1st 2005The use of analgesics, specifically acetaminophen, has been proposed as one of the mechanisms for the rise in asthma prevalence in the last 30 to 40 years.1 Acetaminophen, approved by the FDA in 1951, is one of the most commonly used analgesics in adults and children. The association between asthma and acetaminophen has been reported in case reports, in the setting of oral challenge tests, and in larger clinical studies.2
Young Woman With Headache Several Days After Lumbar Puncture
October 1st 2005A 24-year-old woman complains of a severe, throbbing headache that is present when she is upright and is relieved when she lies down. When she is upright, she also experiences dizziness, blurred vision, light sensitivity, nausea, and occasional diplopia.