January 8th 2025
The FDA approved the addition of Guillain-Barré syndrome warnings for Abrysvo and Arexvy, citing postmarketing data suggesting an increased risk.
December 18th 2024
Balanitis Cirumscripta Plasmacellularis
September 14th 2005For 2 months, a 22-year-old uncircumcised man noticed an asymptomatic, erythematous, static lesion on the glans penis. He had applied an over-the-counter “jock-itch” ointment for 2 weeks but to no avail. The young man was otherwise healthy and denied having dysuria or a history of sexually transmitted disease.
Erythema Nodosum on Shins of a 16-Year-Old Girl
September 14th 2005A 16-year-old girl had had tender, erythematous, nodular, shiny lesions on the extensor aspect of both shins for 2 weeks. There were no ulcerations or adenopathy. She denied fever, cough, sore throat, pruritus, and GI symptoms. Aside from oral contraceptives, she was not taking any medications.
Cerebellar Blastomycotic Abscesses
September 14th 2005A comatose 29-year-old woman was brought to the emergency department. Her family reported that she had been well until 4 days earlier, when headache and fever developed. She went to another hospital at that time and was told she had an abscessed tooth. She was given erythromycin, and the tooth was extracted the following day. The patient's headache and fever worsened; a sore throat also developed, and a rash appeared on her trunk, arms, and legs. The family denied any HIV risk factors, unusual medical history, recent travel, and exposure to persons with infectious diseases.
Solitary Pulmonary Nodule: TB or not TB
September 14th 2005For the past 2 days, a 30-year-old man had experienced scant hemoptysis. He had also lost a significant amount of weight-5 kg (11 lb)-over the last 2 months. The patient, a recent emigrant from Ecuador, had no history of tuberculosis (TB) or of exposure to this disease, and he had not been skin tested with purified protein derivative (PPD). He denied exposure to risk factors for HIV infection.
Verruca Recurrence on Hand of 14-Year-Old Boy
September 14th 2005For 3 weeks, a 14-year-old boy had been aware of an enlarging lesion on the back of his hand. He recalled no trauma to the affected area. Further questioning by Dr D. Keith Cobb of Savannah, Ga, revealed that a 4-mm verruca, or wart, had been removed from the same site 6 months earlier with cryosurgery by a different physician.
Immunologic Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura
September 14th 2005A mother, fearing that her 4-year-old son had been abused at his day-care center, rushed him to the emergency department, where an evaluation revealed a platelet count of 1,000/µL. Except for bruises on the boy's face and legs, the physical findings were normal. Bone marrow aspiration showed numerous megakaryocytes and was otherwise normal. The youngster's history included treatment for bronchitis, sinusitis, and conjunctivitis 2 weeks earlier.
Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma in a 78-Year-Old Woman
September 14th 2005For several weeks, a 78-year-old woman had an intensely pruritic, diffuse, raised, slightly scaly, erythematous rash that persisted despite the use of several over-the-counter topical medications (such as hydrocortisone and clotrimazole cream). Since her last visit about 3 months earlier for a blood pressure reading, she had been well except for 2 episodes of night sweats. For several years, she had been taking levothyroxine and reserpine/hydrochlorothiazide; about 6 months ago, valsartan/hydrochlorothiazide had been prescribed.
Erythema Nodosum Erythema on Forearms and Legs of a 42-Year-Old Man
September 14th 2005A mildly painful, nonpruritic rash on the forearms and legs prompted a 42-year-old man to go to the emergency department (ED). The patient noted the rash when he awoke that morning. He had had joint pain and fever for the past 7 days and generalized malaise with chills that began about 3 days earlier. He had no significant medical history.
Unusual Presentation of Pneumocystis carinii Pneumonia
September 14th 2005A previously healthy 51-year-old man presented with weight loss and poor appetite of 2 months' duration. He was heterosexual and had many sexual partners. Except for a temperature of 38.3°C (100.9°F) and left basal rhonchi, results of physical examination were normal. A chest radiograph and CT scan, as seen here, showed large cavitary lesions in the lower left lobe.