PCPs are Missing Prediabetes, Survey Finds
Less than half of PCPs responding to a recent survey chose correct values for prediabetes screening tests and seemed unaware of other evidence-based recommendations for prediabetes.
US Diabetes Treatment is Missing the Mark
US adults with diagnosed diabetes are no closer to treatment goals than they were in 2005, according to a new study.
Smoking Cessation and CVD Risk: 5 Years and All Clear?
Heavy smokers who quit remain at significantly increased CVD risk for up to 10 years or more, according to new research. Results suggest that current risk estimators may need revision.
Fear a Future with Fentanyl
Deaths related to synthetic opioids increased from approximately 3000 in 2013 to more than 30 000 in 2018. A new book warns there is more to come.
Diabetes Drug Costs Force Patients to Cut Corners
About 25% of patients with diabetes report asking a physician for a cheaper drug. Skipping doses and pill splitting are tactics used to cut costs.
Vaping-related Respiratory Disease Requires Intubation for Some
Recent vaping behavior is the only commonality found among teens and young adults hospitalized in 2 midwestern states, for severe respiratory symptoms.
Mass Shootings Condemned by Leading US Physician Organizations
The Dayton and El Paso tragedies bring yet another urgent call to action against gun violence from a consortium of the leading US physician and public health organizations.
World Experts to Discuss Future of Neurology at Inaugural International Congress
The first annual International Congress on the Future of Neurology convenes in New York City in September. Which thought leaders will be moderating?
Sobering Report on Binge Drinking in Older Adults
One out of 10 US adults aged ≥ 65 years is a "current binge drinker," a new study found. It is sobering data and a call to action for primary care.
Your Patients May Lie to You, But Why?
Ever wonder if your patient is a "liar, liar, pants on fire"? Take this 5-question quiz on a new survey to find out if your suspicions are true.
Activity Guidelines Don't Motivate Americans
Americans still don't meet guideline-recommended physical activity levels even while sedentary behavior increases, according to a new NHANES analysis.
Needle-free Hypoglycemia Treatment Approved
The novel intranasal glucagon delivered with a portable, single-use device could simplify treatment of this dangerous side effect of antidiabetes medications.
AHA's "Life's Simple 7" Reduces Heart Failure Risk
Study: "Ideal" adherence to healhty habits (eg, weight control, no smoking, average A1c) may reduce risk of heart failure by >50% vs "inadequate" adherence.
Neuromodulators for Migraine At-a-Glance
Here: A snapshot of the 4 FDA-approved neuromodulation devices and a primer on neuromodulation for migraine at work.
10 CBD Company Health Claims: Please Read
FDA on July 23rd issued a warning letter to CBD-producer Curaleaf, Inc, citing unsubstantiated health claims for its products. Here are 10 of the claims your patients are reading.
Carnivore's Complaint: More Meat, More Mortality
US consumption of red meat remains twice the global average. New research highlights the consequences of that intake in terms of all-cause mortality.
Lyme Disease: 5 Characteristics of the Ideal Test
The ideal test for Lyme disease needs to be direct and highly sensitive in specific areas of detection. A new review highlights the 5 key criteria.
A Summer Sunscreen Saga: Is it Friend or Foe?
Sunscreen as a potential health threat is hitting headlines just as summer arrives. Test your knowledge of product safety with this 5-question quiz.
Teens with Asthma Favor E-cigs, Hookah
Middle/high school students with asthma were found more likely to use 5 different tobacco products vs classmates without asthma.
Should We be Wary of Sunscreen?
A new study published in JAMA suggests the FDA may have reason to look more closely at the ingredients that protect patients from sun damage. Try this question on the details.
US Prescription Drug Use: 7 Questions to Test Assumptions
The National Center for Health Statistics recently released a report on prescription drug use in the US. Take this 7-question quiz to see how much you know about the latest findings.
Diabetes Drugs and Cardioprotection: 8 Questions on Key Trials
Find out what you know about which diabetes drugs in which classes show CV protective properties and results of the trials that support their use.
Who Attempts to Lose Weight in the US? A 6-question Quiz
Sample: Between 2013 and 2016, what percentage, overall, of US adults tried to lose weight in the past 12 months?
Diabetes and Dollars: Cost-of-Care Quiz
True or False: In 2015, Americans spent more on insulin glargine than any other drug. The answer and 9 more questions in our quiz.
Asthma Rx in Kids: A 5-Question Quiz
Test your literature scanning skills with our short, 5-question quiz on different asthma interventions in school-aged children.
Opioids & Medicare Part D: A Quiz on Questionable Prescribing
The OIG is worried about the over prescribing of opioids for elders. What do you know about the issues?
HCV Quiz: A Quick Numbers Game
In this short quiz, we challenge you to choose 4 correct figures and 1 correct fact from your vast store of knowledge on HCV infection.
10-Question Quiz on Addiction Rx
Methadone and buprenorphine are underutilized as treatment for opioid addiction. Is one safer? More effective? More convenient? Take the quiz.
Quiz: Asthma, Lipids, and Left Ventricular Mass
How does asthma affect cardiac morphology? Take this quick 5-question quiz to see what you know about the impact of asthma on other chronic disease.
Quiz: 5 Skin Signs of Spring
The signs are everywhere. See if you recognize these 5 skin eruptions often seen when man gets back to nature.