What Women Don't Know about their Health is Dangerous
Poll: 91% of women don’t know heart disease is the #1 cause of death in women and 81% aren’t aware that the Pap test screens only for cervical cancer. Counseling and education are needed.
Two Fruit Servings Daily May Reduce Odds of T2D by 36%, Study Suggests
An Australian study of more than 7000 adults suggests 2 servings of whole fruit per day helps preserve insulin sensitivity and mitigate risk for type 2 diabetes.
COVID-19 Updates: US Vaccinations and Global Cases and Deaths as of June 8, 2021
Data from the Johns Hopkins COVID-19 interactive map and the CDC on COVID-19 vaccinations, cases, and deaths in the US and on cases and deaths worldwide.
FDA Awards Accelerated Approval to Aducanumab for Alzheimer Disease
The FDA approved today the first drug that targets the pathophysiolgic process responsible for Alzheimer disease and the first drug since 2003 to be approved for any Alzheimer treatment.
COVID-19 Updates: US Vaccinations and Global Cases and Deaths as of June 7, 2021
FDA Approves Semaglutide 2.4 mg for Chronic Weight Management in Obesity, Overweight
Semaglutide 2.4 mg is the first drug approved for chronic weight management since 2014 and the first once-weekly GLP-1 receptor agonist to be approved for that purpose.
CGM Improves Glycemic Control in Patients with T2D on Basal Insulin Alone
MOBILE study group: in patients with type 2 diabetes on a less intensive insulin regimen, CGM use lowered A1c and increased time in target glucose range vs traditional blood glucose monitoring.
Counsel Patients on "One Pill Can Kill" Meds in Common Pill Organizers
A new study reveals that nearly three-quarters of medication organizer packages contain a drug class from which a single pill could be lethal for a child.
Youth Tobacco Use in America: An Update
More US teens prefer menthol-flavored e-cigarettes, significant surge in use of disposable e-cigarettes, and additional findings from the 2020 National Youth Tobacco Survey, here.
Strong Magnets in iPhone 12 Series Can Interfere with Implanted Cardiac Devices
Magnet technology in the iPhone 12 Pro Max that allows the device to charge wirelessly can significantly impair function of a variety of cardiac implantable electronic devices.
COVID-19 Updates: US Vaccinations and Global Cases and Deaths as of June 3, 2021
Subclinical Atherosclerosis Risk Linked to A1c Below Prediabetes Threshold
In people without diabetes and considered low risk for CVD, A1c was associated in a graded, positive fashion with subclinical atherosclerosis, even at prediabetes levels.
How to Optimize SGLT2 Inhibitor Therapy in Primary Care: An Expert Interview
SGLT-2 inhibitor investigator Mikhail Kosiborod, MD, answers questions about patient selection for the class of drugs, now with approval to treat much more than type 2 diabetes.
A Diabetes Prevention Program Quiz: By the Numbers
The landmark Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) trial and follow-up studies proved that risk of T2D can be reduced in patients at high risk for the disease. Do you know by how much?
COVID-19 Updates: US Vaccinations and Global Cases and Deaths as of June 2, 2021
The Tobacco Endgame: 4 Major Cardiology Societies Press World Governments to Act
Four major cardiology organizations stand behind increased government action to eradicate tobacco use worldwide. Click here for a summary of why, why now, and how.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Ups Ischemic Stroke Risk in Later Life
Adults with OCD were more than 3 times as likely to have an ischemic stroke after age 40 than those without the disorder, according to a study published in Stroke.
Single Maintenance & Reliever Therapy for Asthma: Guideline Toplines
For patients with moderate-to-severe persistent asthma, new guidelines from the NAEPP recommend SMART, particularly for patients with a recent disease exacerbation.
A Test of CKD IQ: 10 Questions for Primary Care Clinicians
CKD IQ Test Preview: When should you suspect kidney disease? What measure is used to define chronic kidney disease? What UACR test result indicates albuminuria? Good luck.
COVID-19 Updates: US Vaccinations and Global Cases and Deaths as of June 1, 2021