February 21st 2025
The outsized burden continues among Black men, a group with prostate cancer incidence rates 67% higher than those of White men and mortality rates more than twice as high.
Shedding Light on the Controversy Over Vitamin D
December 1st 2006During a routine checkup, a middle-aged woman asks you whether she should stop wearing moisturizers and makeup that contain sunscreen. She has read that increased sunlight exposure enhances vitamin D production, which may prevent certain types of cancer. What would you tell her?
PSA Recurrence of Prostate Cancer:
December 1st 2006ABSTRACT: Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) recurrence is the most common form of advanced prostate cancer. Salvage therapies may be effective even among some high-risk men, although long-term cancer control data are limited. The natural history of PSA recurrence is long but variable. The postrecurrence PSA doubling time can identify men at high risk for progression and death. Early hormonal therapy, possibly via combined androgen blockade, may reduce the risk of progression and improve cancer-specific survival among men with high-risk recurrence. Men with low-risk recurrences likely receive minimal benefit from aggressive early hormonal therapy and may actually be harmed.
PSA Screening Rates for Elderly Men Found Too High
November 14th 2006SAN FRANCISCO -- Older men with limited life expectancies are getting screened much too often for prostate cancer, given the potential harm that may follow a positive test versus the likelihood of benefit, researchers here reported.
Elderly Man With Shoulder Pain Following Fall
September 1st 2006An 82-year-old man presents with shoulder pain resulting from a fall the day before. He has had intermittent episodes of light-headedness, chest pain, and "flutterings in the chest" over the past week--including one this morning. Episodes last about 2 hours and resolve spontaneously. He denies any loss of consciousness, weakness, or worsening of symptoms with exertion. He also denies headache, abdominal pain, and other injuries. His medical history includes coronary artery disease (treated with bypass grafting 10 years earlier); prostate cancer; and chronic lymphocytic leukemia, for which he is receiving chemotherapy.
Proscar Exonerated as Trigger for High-Grade Prostate Cancer
August 16th 2006SAN ANTONIO -- Proscar (finasteride) increased the sensitivity of prostate specific antigen (PSA) testing for both overall and high-grade prostate cancer, according to an analysis of a large trial, and did not perpetrate any extra aggressive malignancies.
Rectal Bleeding After Pelvic Radiation
September 14th 2005A 48-year-old woman was hospitalized following 10 days of rectal bleeding. One year earlier, she had undergone combined external-beam radiation and brachytherapy for stage IIIA carcinoma of the cervix. The patient was orthostatic and pale on admission, and her hemoglobin level was 6 g/dL. After receiving a transfusion of packed red cells, she underwent colonoscopy. Several telangiectases were seen in the rectum, the mucosa was friable, and blood oozed from one of the lesions.
Elderly Man With Elevated PSA Level
July 1st 2005A 79-year-old man has an elevated prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level(11.3 ng/mL). About 1 month earlier, when he was hospitalized for a seriousurinary tract infection (UTI), his PSA level was 13.3 ng/mL. The more recentlevel was obtained after he received antibiotic therapy for the UTI.