Pregnancy and Birth


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Good Cardiovascular Health Early on May Offset Genetic Risk of Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy / Image credit: ©Andrey Popov/AdobeStock
Good Cardiovascular Health Early on May Offset Genetic Risk of Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy

September 17th 2024

New data shows that favorable CV health in the first trimester is associated with a 35% to 62% lower risk of HDP regardless of level of genetic risk.

CPAP Treatment and Hypertensive Adverse Outcomes in Pregnancy: Daily Dose / image credit: ©New Africa/AdobeStock
CPAP Treatment and Hypertensive Adverse Outcomes in Pregnancy: Daily Dose

September 6th 2024

CPAP Therapy May Reduce Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy by More than 30%: Meta-Analysis / image credit blood pressure: ©H_Ko/
CPAP Therapy May Reduce Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy by More than 30%: Meta-Analysis

August 26th 2024

FDA Approves First Orally Disintegrating Tablet for Birth Control: Daily Dose / image credit: ©New Africa/AdobeStock
FDA Approves First Orally Disintegrating Tablet for Birth Control: Daily Dose

August 5th 2024

Unplanned Pregnancy, Recent Relocation Among Top Barriers to Early Prenatal Care in US / Image credit: ©JenkoAtaman/AdobeStock
Unplanned Pregnancy, Recent Relocation Among Top Barriers to Early Prenatal Care in US

July 31st 2024

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