Vaccine Distrust, Emboldened During the Pandemic, Runs Deep: An Expert Perspective
Robert Hopkins, Jr, MD, says of official communications during the COVID-19 pandemic that not enough was explained to the public about policy shifts, leaving people wondering.
Vaccination Information and Educational Resources from the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases
Robert Hopkins, Jr, MD, NFID medical director, details a range of resources on the foundation's website including in-depth vaccine recommendations, live webinars, plus much more.
A Vaccination Imperative: "Please, Let's Do It," NFID Medical Director Robert Hopkins, Jr, MD, Urges
The National Foundation for Infectious Diseases medical director appeals to the community at large to set politics and personal grievance aside and to "first, do no harm."
The Biggest Challenge with COVID-19 Right Now: An Interview with NFID Medical Director Robert Hopkins, Jr, MD
Hopkins, of the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases, is frustrated by the diminished societal response to the virus' circulation including ongoing low vaccination rates.
New COVID-19 Vaccination Guidance for Older Adults & High-Risk Groups: A Conversation with NFID Medical Director Robert Hopkins, Jr, MD
Guidance from the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices on best practices for COVID-19 vaccination continues to evolve, Hopkins explained.
NFID Medical Director Highlights ACIP Rationale for Lowering Age for Pneumococcal Vaccination
Under risk-based guidelines, less than 30% of eligible adults are vaccinated against pneumococcal disease, said Robert Hopkins, Jr, MD. More details, here.