The FDA has approved a new syntheticconjugated estrogen formulation(Enjuvia), from Duramed Pharmaceuticals,for the management ofmenopausal vasomotor symptoms.This product is the only plant-derivedsynthetic conjugated estrogen compoundthat includes the componentdelta 8,9-dehydroestrone-an activeestrogenic compound.
Vasomotor Symptomsof MenopauseThe FDA has approved a new syntheticconjugated estrogen formulation(Enjuvia), from Duramed Pharmaceuticals,for the management ofmenopausal vasomotor symptoms.This product is the only plant-derivedsynthetic conjugated estrogen compoundthat includes the componentdelta 8,9-dehydroestrone--an activeestrogenic compound.Clinical studies demonstrate thatthis formulation can reduce the frequencyand severity of hot flashes inmenopausal women. Although dosesas low as 0.3 mg have been reportedto be effective, the FDA has approvedthis product for use in doses of 0.625and 1.25 mg; it is often prescribed inconjunction with a progestin.