History of present illness: A woman in her mid-50’s with a history of rheumatoid arthritis presents to the hospital for 3 days of pleuritic left upper back pain without fever, shortness of breath, chest pain or cough. She also denies any injury and has not had this pain previously.
Vital signs & physical examination. Vital signs are normal except for a pulse oxygen level of 94% on room air. Physical exam is otherwise normal except for bilateral rales heard only with deep breathing.
Relevant test results
Laboratory studies: C-reative protein elevated at 25 mg/L; D-dimer elevated at 1600 mg/L FEU; CBC normal
Imaging: Chest x-ray, image below
FDA Proposed Rule Would Limit Nicotine Content in Cigarettes, Cigars, Other Combusted Products
January 16th 2025The agency estimates that limiting nicotine levels could lead to 1.8 million fewer tobacco-related deaths by 2060 and health care savings of $1.1 trillion a year over the next 40 years.