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Oral Corticosteroids: Update on Clinically Relevant Drug Interactions


Oral corticosteroids arecommonly used inambulatory patientsas short- or long-termtherapy for a numberof diseases. For example, patientswith acute exacerbations of asthmaor chronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseare routinely given 1- to 2-weekcourses of prednisone, methylprednisolone,or another oral corticosteroid.In addition, oral corticosteroidsare used as maintenance therapy inpatients with such conditions assystemic lupus erythematosus, sarcoidosis,and post-organ transplantcomplications.

Oral corticosteroids arecommonly used inambulatory patientsas short- or long-termtherapy for a numberof diseases. For example, patientswith acute exacerbations of asthmaor chronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseare routinely given 1- to 2-weekcourses of prednisone, methylprednisolone,or another oral corticosteroid.In addition, oral corticosteroidsare used as maintenance therapy inpatients with such conditions assystemic lupus erythematosus, sarcoidosis,and post-organ transplantcomplications.Several drug interactions associatedwith oral corticosteroids are clinically relevant. Drugs that maydecrease the response to oral corticosteroidsare shown in Table 1,and agents that may increase the responseare summarized in Table 2.Note that inhibitors of drug metabolismhave an effect on some, but notall, of the oral corticosteroids.A report suggests that highdoses of methylprednisolone may enhancethe response to oral anticoagulants.1 Therefore, in patients receivingoral anticoagulant therapy, closermonitoring of prothrombin time/INRis warranted as methylprednisoloneis initiated, during corticosteroidtreatment, and as it is discontinued.Further study of this potential interactionis needed.1grapefruit juice increases the peakplasma concentrations of methylprednisoloneby 27%; however, the clinicalsignificance is likely minor becauselarge amounts of grapefruit juice arerequired to produce this effect.2




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Brooks SM, Werk EE, Ackerman S, et al. Adverseeffects of phenobarbital on corticosteroid metabolismin patients with bronchial asthma.

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Jubiz W, Meikle AW, Levinson RA, et al. Effect ofdiphenylhydantoin on the metabolism of dexamethasone.

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Finch CK, Chrisman CR, Baciewicz AM, Self TH.Update on rifampin and rifabutin drug interactions.


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Varis T, Backman JT, Kivisto KT, Neuvonen PJ.Diltiazem and mibefradil increase the plasma concentrations and greatly enhance the adrenal-suppressanteffect of oral methylprednisolone.

ClinPharmacol Ther

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LaForce CF, Szefler SJ, Miller MF, et al. Inhibitionof methylprednisolone elimination in the presence oferythromycin therapy.

J Allergy Clin Immunol

. 1983;72:34-39.


Fost DA, Leung DY, Martin RJ, et al. Inhibitionof methylprednisolone elimination in the presenceof clarithromycin therapy.

J Allergy Clin Immunol



Szefler SJ, Ellis EF, Brenner M, et al. Steroidspecificand anticonvulsant interaction aspects oftroleanomycin-steroid therapy.

J Allergy Clin Immunol



Varis T, Kivisto KT, Backman JT, Neuvonen PJ.The cytochrome P450 3A4 inhibitor itraconazolemarkedly increases the plasma concentrations ofdexamethasone and enhances its adrenal-suppressanteffect.

Clin Pharmacol Ther

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Lebrun-Vignes B, Archer VC, Diquiet B, et al.Effect of itraconazole on the pharmacokinetics ofprednisolone and methylprednisolone and cortisolsecretion in healthy subjects.

Br J Clin Pharmacol



Varis T, Kivisto KT, Neuvonen PJ. The effect ofitraconazole on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamicsof oral prednisolone.

Eur J Clin Pharmacol



Gustavson LE, Legler UF, Benet LZ. Impairmentof prednisolone disposition in women taking oral contraceptivesor conjugated estrogens.

J Clin EndocrinMetab

. 1986;62:234-237.

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