CHICAGO -- This special report from Greg Laub, MedPageToday videographer, gives a sense of the proceedings at the 2007 Annual Meeting of the AMA House of Delegates, with a debate regarding the sale of physician data from AMA's Physician Masterfile to pharmaceutical companies that use the data to compile physician prescribing data.
CHICAGO, June 24 -- About million of the AMA's income comes from the sale of physician data from its Physician Masterfile to pharmaceutical companies that use the data to compile physician prescribing data.
The AMA doesn't sell information about physicians' prescribing patterns but the information it does sell is matched to prescribing information from other sources with the end result a profile of an individual physician's typical prescribing practices. Three resolutions being considered by the AMA's house of delegates seek to limit the use of the AMA data or to make it easier for individual physicians to block the use of their Masterfile information in this way. As the issue was debated Sunday, the argument turns on both economic and ethical implications of the marketing of physician data.