Which of the following statements accurately describe(s) diverticular disease of the colon?
Which of the following statements accurately describe(s) diverticular disease of the colon?
a. The true incidence is difficult to measure.
b. The incidence increases with age.
c. Diverticula typically occur in 4 or 5 parallel rows.
d. A, B, and C
e. A and B, but not C
The true incidence of colonic diverticulosis is difficult to measure, mainly because most patients are asymptomatic. The incidence clearly increases with age, varying from less than 10% in persons younger than 40 years to over 65% in patients older than 80 years. Diverticula have been observed to occur typically in 2 or 4 parallel rows.
Clinical Tips for Using Antibiotics and Corticosteroids in IBD
January 5th 2013The goals of therapy for patients with inflammatory bowel disorder include inducing and maintaining a steroid-free remission, preventing and treating the complications of the disease, minimizing treatment toxicity, achieving mucosal healing, and enhancing quality of life.