Exercises that help strengthen themuscles that support the spinemay be especially helpful duringthe postmenopausal years. Theback extension series illustratedin Figures 1 through 5 is anexample of progressively moredifficult exercises that can beperformed several times perweek. These exercises can alsobe performed individually inconjunction with resistance andweight-bearing routines.
Exercises that help strengthen themuscles that support the spinemay be especially helpful duringthe postmenopausal years. Theback extension series illustratedin Figures 1 through 5 is anexample of progressively moredifficult exercises that can beperformed several times perweek. These exercises can alsobe performed individually inconjunction with resistance andweight-bearing routines.Back extension 1. Lie on stomach with forehead resting on floor ortowel roll. Raise head off the floor as shown. Hold for several seconds.Do 12 repetitions 3 times per session.Back extension 2. Lie as shown with 2-in towel roll under stomach and arms overhead.Raise both arms up toward ceiling. Hold for several seconds. Do 12 repetitions 3 timesper session.Back extension 3. Lie as shown with towel roll under stomach and arms overhead.Raise head, arms, and legs off floor as shown. Hold for several seconds. Do 12 repetitions3 times per session.Back extension 4. Lie as shown with towel roll under forehead and pillow under stomach.Tighten buttocks and raise one leg and opposite arm as shown. Hold for several seconds;repeat with opposite leg and arm. Do 12 repetitions 3 times per session.Back extension 5. Rest on hands and knees. Keeping back level, raise one arm andopposite leg as shown. Hold for several seconds; repeat with opposite arm and leg. Do12 repetitions 3 times per session.