Top among the many benefits of seeing patients in a mutlidisciplinary outpatient clinic is the unique blend of persepctives on their health issues made possible by the easy consults and daily interactions with colleagues in other areas of expertise, agree Drs Anita Maisterra and Chris McMullen, a primary care physician and physiatrist, respectively, at UW Medicine Primary Care at South Lake, in Seattle, WA.
In a recent conversation with Patient Care®, Dr Maisterra said she has opportunties every day to learn from the clinicians she shares office space with, increasing her confidence in her own practice. Dr McMullen said he sits 10 feet from his primary care colleague, a setting perfect for on-the-fly conversations or quick points-of-view on interesting patients.
In this short conversation between the primary care physician and the physiatrist, they highlight more advantages of the co-working envronment and share a case the fully illustrates the value.
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