Obesity Expert Discusses an Unexpected Metabolic Response to Weight Loss
Citing a study of "The Biggest Loser" participants, obesity expert Dr Silvana Pannain explains why "Eat less, exercise more," often backfires as a sole intervention for persons with obesity.
Smartphone-based ECG Screening Detects More Atrial Fibrillation than Usual Care in American Indian Adults
A new study found that mobile-based ECG screening for AF could improve health outcomes among American Indian adults who have historically endured greater health disparities.
Hotspots, Vaccines, Hesitancy, and the Road Ahead
ID expert Rodger MacArthur, MD, explains hotspot dynamics, the essential role of clinicians as vaccine advocates, and how medical students are engaging and educating the community.
COVID-19 Updates: US Vaccinations and Global Cases and Deaths as of April 21, 2021
Data from the Johns Hopkins COVID-19 interactive map and the CDC on COVID-19 cases, mortalities, vaccinations, and more.
Aspirin without Indication Added to DOAC Therapy Ups Risk for Bleeding
Study authors warn that ASA added to a medication regimen may be unintentional and call on clinicians to assess patients on DOACs for concomitant ASA and deprescribe.
NAFLD/NASH Diagnosis in Primary Care: 8 Questions
A high index of suspicion for NAFLD may help primary care providers identify patients at highest risk. Try these 8 questions based on guideline recommendations.
Extended Exposure to Air Pollution Raises Hospitalization Risk in COVID-19 Patients with Pre-existing Respiratory Diseases
Patients with asthma or COPD living in areas with high levels of air pollution are at an increased risk of hospitalization if they contract COVID-19, suggests a new pilot study.
COVID-19 Updates: US Vaccinations and Global Cases and Deaths as of April 20, 2021
Seen in the ED: A Different Kind of Headache
A woman in her 50s who has a history of tension headache presents to the ED with a headache different from any she has had. Mild photophobia is the only finding on physical exam. Your dx?
Meeting Minimum Exercise Guidelines Not Sufficient to Reduce Risk of Hypertension Later in Life
Results of a new study show that young adults who exercise up to 5 hours per week have a reduced risk of developing hypertension later in life.
Keith C. Ferdinand, MD: COVID-19, Obesity, and the African American Community
Keith C Ferdinand, MD, discusses how deeply-rooted social determinants of health have led to the vastly disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on persons of color.
COVID-19 Updates: US Vaccinations and Global Cases and Deaths as of April 19, 2021
Best & Worst States for Physicians: 2021 Snapshot
Take a look at the 5 states ranking highest and lowest on metrics including wages, competition, state medical board punishment, cost of malpractice insurance, and size of malpractice payout.
COVID-19 Updates: US Vaccinations and Global Cases and Deaths as of April 16, 2021
Cannabis and Cannabinoids For the Management of Pain
The International Association for the Study of Pain recently released a statement on the strength of current research on cannabis and cannabinoid use in pain management. What did they find?
Functional Assessment Strengthens Red Meat-Heart Disease Association
Measures of heart function and anatomy were used to assess the effects of red and processed meat on cardiovascular health; findings were reported at ESC Preventive Cardiology 2021.
USPSTF: Evidence Still Lacking to Support Screening for Vitamin D Deficiency in Asymptomatic Adults
In a new recommendation statement, the US Preventive Services Task Force concluded that current evidence is insufficient to support broad screening for vitamin D deficiency in adults.
COVID-19 Updates: US Vaccinations and Global Cases and Deaths as of April 15, 2021
New Evidence Reveals Most Common Long-term COVID-19 Symptoms among Health Care Workers
Fatigue was among the most common symptoms that health care workers in Sweden reported 8 months after mild COVID-19 infection, according to a new research letter.
COVID-19 Updates: US Vaccinations and Global Cases and Deaths as of April 14, 2021