Meeting Minimum Exercise Guidelines Not Sufficient to Reduce Risk of Hypertension Later in Life
Results of a new study show that young adults who exercise up to 5 hours per week have a reduced risk of developing hypertension later in life.
Keith C. Ferdinand, MD: COVID-19, Obesity, and the African American Community
Keith C Ferdinand, MD, discusses how deeply-rooted social determinants of health have led to the vastly disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on persons of color.
COVID-19 Updates: US Vaccinations and Global Cases and Deaths as of April 19, 2021
Data from the Johns Hopkins COVID-19 interactive map and the CDC on COVID-19 cases, mortalities, vaccinations, and more.
Best & Worst States for Physicians: 2021 Snapshot
Take a look at the 5 states ranking highest and lowest on metrics including wages, competition, state medical board punishment, cost of malpractice insurance, and size of malpractice payout.
COVID-19 Updates: US Vaccinations and Global Cases and Deaths as of April 16, 2021
Cannabis and Cannabinoids For the Management of Pain
The International Association for the Study of Pain recently released a statement on the strength of current research on cannabis and cannabinoid use in pain management. What did they find?
Functional Assessment Strengthens Red Meat-Heart Disease Association
Measures of heart function and anatomy were used to assess the effects of red and processed meat on cardiovascular health; findings were reported at ESC Preventive Cardiology 2021.
USPSTF: Evidence Still Lacking to Support Screening for Vitamin D Deficiency in Asymptomatic Adults
In a new recommendation statement, the US Preventive Services Task Force concluded that current evidence is insufficient to support broad screening for vitamin D deficiency in adults.
COVID-19 Updates: US Vaccinations and Global Cases and Deaths as of April 15, 2021
New Evidence Reveals Most Common Long-term COVID-19 Symptoms among Health Care Workers
Fatigue was among the most common symptoms that health care workers in Sweden reported 8 months after mild COVID-19 infection, according to a new research letter.
COVID-19 Updates: US Vaccinations and Global Cases and Deaths as of April 14, 2021
Impact of Weight Loss on NAFLD: Is there a Dose-Response Relationship?
Weight loss is known to improve markers of fatty liver disease but authors of a recent meta-analysis took their investigation deeper. Scan through the research to the findings.
Study: HDL Anti-inflammatory Capacity Could Improve CVD Risk Assessment
The indicator of vascular protection against atherosclerotic progression was inversely associated with incident CV events, independent of traditional CVD biomarkers and improved Framingham Risk Score prediction.
Single Injection of Monoclonal Antibodies Reduces Risk of Symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 Infection
A single injection of casirivimab and imdevimab reduced the risk for symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection by 81% among household contacts of infected persons, according to new phase 3 study results.
COVID-19 Updates: US Vaccinations and Global Cases and Deaths as of April 13, 2021
FDA/CDC Recommend Pause on J&J Vaccine Use After Reports of Blood Clots
Reports of a rare, severe type of blood clot in 6 women in the US led the agencies to halt use of the J&J product, out of an abundance of caution.
NAFLD & NASH in Primary Care: Facts, Definitions, & Figures in Brief
Prevalence of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis is increasing and early detection is critical. Brush up on basics with our slides.
SBP Time in Target Range Associated with Decrease in CV Risk, Study Finds
Post-hoc analysis of the SPRINT trial found greater time spent with systolic blood pressure in target range was significantly associated with decreased risk of MACE.
COVID-19 Updates: US Vaccinations and Global Cases and Deaths as of April 12, 2021
Black Adults Avoid Hypertension, Reduce CVD Risk with Sustained Lifestyle Habits
Jackson Heart Study participants who maintained a healthy BP, BMI, and never smoked were at lower risk for incident CVD, suggesting targets for intervention in high-risk populations.