Top 5 Mental Health Apps for COVID-19 Practitioners
Headspace, Calm, and 3 more apps for COVID-19 frontline health care workers who need antidotes to anxiety and stress everywhere they go.
Obesity Stigma in Clinical Practice: Ask Yourself these 8 Questions
Weight bias themes in primary care are the subject of contemporary research. Which options you choose to these 8 questions may offer insight into your own unconscious prejudices.
COVID-19 Updates: US Vaccinations, Booster Doses, & Global Data as of November 23, 2021
Data from the CDC on boosters and US vaccination rates and from the Johns Hopkins COVID-19 interactive map on cases and deaths in the US and worldwide.
Primary Viewpoints Episode 12: Weight Stigma and Bias in Health Care
In our latest podcast episode, an obesity expert talks weight bias in health care, its widespread impact, and the advocacy work that is being done to change the narrative.
Aspirin Associated with Increased Risk for Incident Heart Failure in Large Patient-level Pooled Analysis
Treatment with aspirin of patients with cardiovascular risk factors was consistently associated with a greater than 25% risk of incident HF, another strike against the OTC antithrombotic.
COVID-19 Cases, Hospitalizations Up: Top 5 States Reporting Increases
COVID-19 cases are up by double digits in many states and hospitalizations have made big leaps in others. We report the top 5 in each category for the 7 days from 11/14-21.
In Adults with T2D, Low-energy Diets with Meal Replacement Most Effective for Weight Loss, Remission
Weight loss and disease remission in T2D may differ between patients regardless of type of diet regimen chosen, say authors of a new analysis.
COVID-19 Updates: US Vaccinations, Booster Doses, & Global Data as of November 22, 2021
FDA, CDC Authorize Use of Pfizer, Moderna Booster Shots for Every US Adult
Booster doses for US adults at least 18 years of age are expected to be available as soon as this weekend.
COVID-19 Updates: US Vaccinations, Booster Doses, & Global Data as of November 19, 2021
US Drug Overdose Deaths Pass 100 000 in 12 Months for the First Time
The 100 000 drug overdose deaths in the US recorded for the period ended April 2021 paint a dire behind-the-scenes picture of life during COVID-19.
Drug Misuse During COVID-19: PCPs Worry Signs of Addiction Were Missed
Primary care physicians noted increased stress among patients during the pandemic and worry that telehealth visits may have hidden signs of drug misuse.
Oral PCSK9 Inhibitor Significantly Reduced High Levels of Cholesterol in Phase 1 Trials
AHA 2021: New research showed MK-0616, an investigative oral PCSK9 inhibitor, was associated with a near 65% decrease in LDL-C.
COVID-19 Misinformation Still Rampant in US: Kaiser Family Foundation Findings
New survey finds 78% of US adults either believe or are unsure about at least 4 of 8 COVID-19 myths tested, with unvaccinated adults among the most likely to hold misconceptions.
First Sign of CVD in Smokers May be a Fatal MI or Stroke, New Study Finds
Smoking was associated with earlier onset of cardiovascular disease, by 5.1 years for men and 3.8 years for women, the new study found.
Study: One-fifth of Patients with Cirrhosis Prescribed Opioids During Clinic Visits
In a new study of patients with cirrhosis, over two-thirds of outpatient clinic visits that included an opioid prescription were with primary care physicians.
Confronting Weight Stigma in Primary Care: 10 Reports on the Problem & Strategies to Fix It
Weight bias or stigma in healthcare settings, whether explicit or implicit, may keep patients from getting care. Find a review of the recent literature in this slide show.
Canagliflozin Improved HF Symptoms, QOL Regardless of Diabetes Status in Fully Remote Clinical Trial
AHA 2021. Heart failure patients, across ejection fraction and diabetes status, reported improved QOL as early as 3 months in CHIEF-HF trial.
Remote Program Improves Blood Pressure and Cholesterol in High-risk Patients
AHA 2021: Study suggests remote hypertension and hyperlipidemia management programs may expand telehealth delivery, increase access to care, and reduce health inequities.
COVID-19 Updates: US Vaccinations, Booster Doses, & Global Data as of November 16, 2021