COVID-19 Updates: US Vaccinations, Booster Doses, & Global Data as of April 27, 2022
Data from the CDC on boosters and US vaccination rates and from the Johns Hopkins COVID-19 interactive map on cases and deaths in the US and worldwide.
Study: State Laws Intended to Reduce Opioid Prescribing had Little Impact on Prescribing Practices
Study addresses the concern that state opioid prescription laws may lead to some chronic pain patients missing out on critical pain treatment.
White House Announces Plan to Increase COVID-19 Antiviral Availability, Build Provider, Patient Awareness
As many as 40 000 pharmacies will soon have supplies of Paxlovid while the administration ramps up communications to clinicians and patients on access and use.
USPSTF Finalizes Recommendations for Use of Aspirin in Primary CVD Prevention
USPSTF states low-dose aspirin should be considered for CVD prevention on a case-by-case basis in adults aged 40-59 yrs with a 10% or greater 10-year CVD risk.
Heavy Drinkers Report Impact of Alcohol Use: The Recovery Village Survey Highlights
More than one-third of survey respondents began drinking before age 15; the heaviest drinkers had double the risk for cirrhosis, CVD, pancreatitis, and neuropathy.
Seen in the ED: Wrist Injury Imaging
A skateboarding accident brings a man in his 30s to the ED complaining of wrist pain. Can you make the diagnosis based on the x-ray?
Pulmonary Rehab Improves Lung Function, QOL in Asthma-COPD Overlap Plus Obesity
Asthma-COPD overlap and obesity mutually exacerbate each other and an early program of pulmonary rehabilitation shows promise to help both.
SuperWIN Retail Nutrition Counseling Study Coauthor Unpacks Findings that Surprised Him
Dylan Steen, MD talks about several SuperWIN results that caught him happily by surprise and suggest plenty of room for follow-up research.
COVID-19 Epilogue: 10 Lessons Learned During 2 Long Years
Infectious disease expert and clinical investigator Rodger MacArthur, MD, considers what we know now that we didn't on March 12, 2020.
FDA Considers "Return Envelope" Strategy to Improve Safe Opioid Disposal
A nondescript, postage-paid envelope accompanying an opioid prescription, and patient education on discarding unused tablets are proposed.
7 Questions on Latest US STD Trends
SAMPLE: Between 2019 and 2020, the rate of reported gonorrhea increased 10%. True or false? Plus, 6 more questions based on the CDC’s 2020 STD Surveillance Report.
"Migraine is a Tremendously Rewarding Disease to Treat"
Yale headache specialist Christopher Gottschalk, MD, talks about the opportunities to make a marked difference in the quality of patients' lives.
COVID-19 Updates: US Vaccinations, Booster Doses, & Global Data as of April 21, 2022
New AHA Statement on NAFLD and Cardiovascular Risk: A Guideline Topline
NAFLD is a key risk factor for ASCVD and widely underdiagnosed. This Guideline Topline summarizes new AHA warnings, guidance.
Newly Developed Polygenic Risk Scores May Assist Decision-making in Primary Care
Researchers developed polygenic risk scores for 6 common diseases and informational resources to help primary care physicians incorporate them into clinical practice.
Preliminary Results Support Feasibility, Immunogenicity of Influenza-COVID-19 Combo Vaccine
Novavax reports that the various combinations assessed were safe and induced immune responses comparable to stand-alone formulations of both vaccines.
COVID-19 Updates: US Vaccinations, Booster Doses, & Global Data as of April 20, 2022
FDA Accepts Daprodustat NDA for Anemia of Chronic Kidney Disease
The NDA for daprodustat, a novel investigational agent, is based on data from pivotal ASCEND program clinical trials.
COVID-19 Updates: US Vaccinations, Booster Doses, & Global Data as of April 19, 2022
Suicide Higher Among Physicians than General Population, According to New Research
Researchers in Spain found that suicide was higher among physicians than the general population and affected female physicians significantly more.