October 25th 2023
Your daily dose of the clinical news you may have missed.
Antiretroviral Suppression of HIV in the Context of Persistently Low CD4 Counts: New Insights
January 1st 2007Shortly after the introduction of combination antiretroviral therapy, it was noted that a significant fraction of patients, from 8% to 17%, had poor CD4+ T-cell recovery despite suppression of HIV RNA to undetectable levels for at least 6 to 12 months.1
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia presenting with an acute fibrinous and organizing pneumonia
January 1st 2007The authors report a case of adult-onset acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) presenting with a right upper lobe infiltrate associated with acute fibrinous and organizing pneumonia (AFOP), which resolved spontaneously during the course of chemotherapy.
Man With Persistent Diarrhea and Occasional Bloody Stools
January 1st 2007A thin 26-year-old man has hadintermittent diarrhea with abdominalpain, nausea, vomiting, and occasionalepisodes of hematochezia for8 months. He also complains of weaknessand fatigue and has lost 4.5 kg(10 lb) in the past year. The patientis homosexual and admits to havinghad unprotected sexual intercourse.He denies any significant travelhistory.
Preventing and Treating Influenza
January 1st 2007abstract: The keystone of influenza prevention is still vaccination. The 2 available types of influenza vaccine--the inactivated vaccine, which is administered intramuscularly, and the attenuated vaccine, which is delivered via nasal spray--have efficacy rates of 70% to 80%. Unfortunately, only about 65% of persons who should receive the influenza vaccine are, in fact, vaccinated. The neuraminidase inhibitors oseltamivir and zanamivir are 70% to 90% effective in preventing influenza. These antivirals also are effective in reducing the severity of influenza symptoms and the duration of illness when administered within 48 hours of the onset of clinical disease. Some patients have difficulty in self-administering zanamivir because the inhalation process is fairly complicated. Because of the resistance pattern observed in 2005, amantadine and rimantadine are not currently recommended for prophylaxis or therapy. (J Respir Dis. 2007;28(1):21-29)
Young Man With a History of Vague Headaches Ascribed to Sinusitis
January 1st 2007A 37-year-old man found unresponsiveat home with erratic respiration andurinary incontinence was brought tothe emergency department (ED). Accordingto his family, the patient hadbeen complaining of headaches, vertigo,and mild neck pain for 2 months.During that time, a CT scan of thesinuses revealed chronic sinusitis; thepatient had completed a course ofprednisone, naproxen, and meclizinewithout symptomatic improvement.The day before he was brought to theED, he had presented to a differenthospital with the same complaints andwas given a prescription for antibioticsfor a presumed sinus infection. He haddiet-controlled hypercholesterolemiaand did not smoke.
January 1st 2007Drug interactions and adverse drug reactions result in thehospitalization (or extended hospitalization) of more than100,000 Americans each year. Here an international teamof experts from such fields as pharmacology, toxicology, medicine,and nutrition discuss drug-drug interactions as wellas interactions that occur between drugs and certain foods,alcohol, nicotine, or performance-enhancing agents. Amongthe drug classes covered are benzodiazepines, anticonvulsants,opioids and opiates, monoamine oxidase inhibitors,tricyclic antidepressants, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors,antipsychotic agents, cardiovascular drugs, antimicrobials,HIV/AIDS medications, and NSAIDs. The authorsreview the pharmacology, pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics,chemistry, and metabolism of each class. Also includedis an overview of the theories of liability used in recentdrug interaction litigation and a discussion of the role ofpsychotropic medications in criminal defenses. A detailedindex is provided.
HIV-Positive Woman With Dyspnea
December 31st 2006A 48-year-old African Americanwoman with HIV infection who hadbeen hospitalized several days earlierfor presumed Pneumocystis cariniipneumonia (PCP) is readmittedbecause of worsening dyspnea and atemperature of 38.8oC (102oF).She also complains of painful swellingand erythema on her right arm.Her symptoms have worseneddespite treatment with trimethoprimsulfamethoxazole.
Young Man With Fever, Weakness, and Rash
December 31st 2006A24-year-old man who worked ina warehouse is brought tothe emergency department following2 days of high fever with rigors, generalizedweakness, and a purplishrash on both lower legs that had progressedrapidly during the past24 hours. He had become ill about5 days previously, with a worseningsore throat and achiness that did notrespond to over-the-counter lozengesand ibuprofen.
Man With Severe Dyspnea, Fever, and Cough
December 31st 2006A46-year-old white man is hospitalized with increasing dyspnea of 3weeks’ duration. He has a history of stable chronic obstructive pulmonarydisease secondary to heavy smoking (2 packs of cigarettes a day for 27years, discontinued 6 years previously) and uses inhaled bronchodilators.
Middle-aged Man With Chest Pain
December 31st 2006For 3 days, a 42-year-old man has had episodic dullchest pain. The anterior precordial and retrosternalpain intensifies with inspiration and movement. He has nohistory of recent viral infection, hypertension, coronaryartery disease, cardiac surgery, diabetes mellitus, or hyperlipidemia.There is no family history of cardiovasculardisease.
Health Care for African Americans: How to Deal With the Differences
December 31st 2006Two winters ago, the members of CONSULTANT’sEditorial Board met for 3 days with the journal’seditorial staff to brainstorm ways in whichCONSULTANT might best address the educationalneeds of primary care clinicians. One idea in particulargenerated unanimous enthusiasm: an entire issuedevoted to the health care problemsand needs of African Americans.
Worsening Back Pain in an Injection Drug User
December 31st 2006For several weeks, a 29-year-old woman has had worsening left lower backpain that is aggravated by sitting and walking. The pain is most severe aboveher left buttock; it radiates into the buttock and very slightly into the leg. Overthe-counter analgesics have been ineffective. Assuming a supine position providessome relief, but the pain still occasionally awakens her at night. She deniesweakness, other neurologic symptoms, and any symptoms of bowel orbladder dysfunction.
December 31st 2006The emphasis in this clinically focused text is on syndromesand patient care rather than on pathogens. Among the topicscovered are antimicrobial pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics;head and neck infections; upper respiratory tractinfections; bronchitis and pneumonia; endocarditis; pericarditisand myocarditis; peritonitis, liver abscess, and biliary tractinfections; viral hepatitis; CNS infections; skin and soft tissueinfections; animal and human bites; osteomyelitis and infectiousarthritis; foot infections in patients with diabetes; scarletfever and toxic shock syndromes; fever of unknown origin;bacterial, viral, and protozoal diarrhea; obstetric-gynecologicinfections; urinary tract infections; sexually transmitted diseases;infectious complications of HIV infection; tuberculosis;tropical diseases; zoonoses; bioterrorism; and fungal infections.Color and black-and-white photographs, photomicrographs,CT scans, radiographs, drawings, tables, and flowchartshighlight seminal points in the text.
Woman With Jaundice,Anorexia, and Abdominal Pain
December 31st 2006A 52-year-old woman is hospitalized because she has had jaundice, anorexia,and occasional nausea and vomiting for about 2 weeks. She has also had moderatepain in the epigastrium and right upper quadrant, but it has not been severeenough to require analgesics. She denies hematemesis and hematochezia.
Young Woman With Sore Throat and Extreme Fatigue
December 31st 2006An 18-year-old college studentpresents with a 4-day history ofincreasing throat pain, low-gradefever, and extreme exhaustion. Previously,she had been healthy and participatedactively in sports, includingmarathon running. Her appetiteand intake have been poor. No historyof cough, chest pain, shortness ofbreath, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,or abdominal distention. She has noallergies, takes no medications, anddoes not smoke or drink alcohol.She is sexually active with a single partner.
Vesicles and Erosions in a Middle-aged Man With Diabetes
December 31st 2006Over the past 8 years, fragile vesicles,painful ruptured bullae, and erosionshave developed on the sun-exposed skinof a 57-year-old man. Some of the vesicleserupt at sites of minor trauma; othersarise spontaneously. A corticosteroidcream prescribed by another practitionerfor presumed atopic dermatitisfailed to clear the lesions.