Clostridium difficile: Which Test to Order and How Often?
Which test should you order if you suspect Clostridium difficile infection-and how often do you check the stool for the C difficile toxin? Here: the answer-and explanation.
Clostridium difficile: Always the Usual Suspect?
When patients develop diarrhea in the hospital within 48 hours after admission, it is most likely antibiotic-associated diarrhea, including CDAD.
Should Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci in Stool Be Treated?
Both VRE and vancomycin-sensitive enterococci are considered normal flora in the human intestine.
Quinolone Antibiotics: Still Reliable Against Gram-negative Species?
Escherichia coli resistance to quinolone antibiotics increased 5-fold between 2000 and 2010.
What Alternative to Penicillin in the Allergic Patient?
Imipenem/cilastatin may be used in patients who have mild allergy to penicillin.
If Meningitis Is Suspected, When Is a Lumbar Puncture Indicated?
Lumbar puncture in cases of suspected meningitis should be performed before CT scan.
Cellulitis in Patients With Diabetes: Strep or Staph?
In patients with diabetes who do not have foot ulcers, cellulitis is most often caused by Streptococcus and only occasionally by Staphylococcus species.
Staphylococcus aureus in the Urine: What to Do Next?
Staphylococcal bacteria found in the urine should prompt a search for a primary source of infection.
Bacteremia Battle: How Long to Treat MSSA or MRSA?
Patients with MRSA or MSSA should always be treated for at least 2 weeks with IV antibiotics.
Anaerobic Coverage: Does Double Equal Trouble?
Double anaerobic antimicrobioal therapy is unnecessary and exposes patients unnecessarily to unpleasant adverse events.
Communicating HIV Test Results: Who? What? How?
A positive HIV test result is conveyed confidentially and in person by a clinician, nurse, counselor, or other skilled staff.