Chinese Physicians More Burned Out Than US Physicians
Think you have it bad? Consider the Chinese.
Physicians Not Paid for Outcomes-Yet
Just 3% of primary care physician compensation comes from quality measures. The rest? Productivity.
How to Boost Your Compensation
Management makes all the difference when it comes to your income. Focus on delegation, billing and collections, and payer management to improve your compensation-not just on seeing more patients.
Staffing Best Practices
Your staff can make or break you. Primary care practices generally spend over 50% of their overhead on staff. Here are some tips for making sure you are getting the most for your investment.
Billing and Collections: Best Practices
These days, every dollar counts. Here are our top tips for making sure you collect what you are owed. A few simple steps can make a big difference in your bottom line.
Making Ends Meet While the Health Care System Changes
Virgilio Licona wants to provide evidence-based, accountable care to patients, but, so far, he doesn't actually get paid to do it. He's finding ways to make it happen anyway.
Is Private Practice Dead?
And if solo practice if going away, does that mean physician-patient connection is getting lost, too?