Hepatitis C: ABCs for Patients
Here, in plain language, a list of the most common questions you may hear about HCV and the answers, in brief.
HCV Screening: Focus on Special Populations
Every patient encounter is an opportunity to screen for hepatitis C. Certain women of childbearing age must be included as an at-risk population.
Does DAA Therapy Up Risk for Liver Cancer? It's Debatable
Eight studies at the 2017 International Liver Congress illuminate the question but the answer is open to interpretation.
Post-Test on Hepatitis C in Primary Care
Take this brief quiz to see what you’ve learned about the challenges and opportunities of HCV management.
Hepatitis C Drugs Meet Resistance Issues
Resistance-associated variants limit the activity of some drugs, but HIV infection treatment may offer some guidance.
Hepatitis C: What If You Do Not Treat?
Severe outcomes may ensue in a high percentage of patients. The authors discuss the consequences in this brief podcast.
Newer Hepatitis C Drugs Mean Direct Action
The “modern era” of treatment features multiple DAAs that target specific steps within the HCV life cycle.
Medicaid Is Tight on Hepatitis C Drug Coverage
State Medicaid programs and private insurance companies have balked at providing these drugs to their insured customers. But the tide is turning.
Hepatitis C Report: What Tests to Order
Testing is recommended for the persons who are more likely to have the virus but not know it.
Hep C Case Challenges for Primary Care
Test your knowledge of screening and HCV management with these three short case quizzes.
Hepatitis C: Pre-treatment Testing and Monitoring At-a-Glance
What are the most important labs to monitor before, during, and after HCV treatment? Essentials in this brief slide show.
Hepatitis C Screening for High Risk Patients
Patients can be identified at earlier stages of disease, before serious liver damage, and have improved clinical outcomes.
Hepatitis C Report: Tuning in to a Silent Epidemic
Knowing the origin and causes could help clinicians better determine who to screen and treat.
SPECIAL REPORT: Hepatitis C and Primary Care
Primary care physicians can play an expanding role in achieving the benefits of testing, care, and treatment to help stem the epidemic.