What Caused Cough and Hemoptysis in a Patient Recently Treated for Exudative Tonsillitis?
February 21st 2008A 22-year-old man presentedwith a 3-week history ofcough and hemoptysis withright-sided chest pain and decreasedoral intake associated with a 4.5-kg(10-lb) weight loss. Ten days beforehospital admission, he was involvedin a fistfight, which resulted in his arrest.He was taken to jail and placedin a holding cell for 3 hours. Shortlybefore his pulmonary symptoms developed,he was seen by his primarycare physician because he had a sorethroat and exudative tonsillitis, forwhich amoxicillin/clavulanate wasprescribed. He stopped taking theantibiotic after 3 days.