Chronic Migraines, Kids, and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
How to treat a pediatric problem that can easily turn into a lifelong issue?
The Real Cost of Botox for Migraineurs
If the cost savings of reduced healthcare access don’t justify the steep up front cost of BOTOX injections for chronic migraine, then someone is not doing his math correctly.
Vitamin D, Statins, and Migraines
A combination of Vitamin D3 and simvastatin had an impressive effect on migraine frequency in a controlled study. How will this combo perform in real life? I'm cautiously optimistic.
CGRP: Taking Aim at the New Migraine Target
Promising new research is testing monoclonal antibodies delivered via infusion against CGRP, a powerful mediator of inflammation.
Finding the Triptan that Fits
When it's time to try a triptan for migraine, remember there are 7 to choose from. If one doesn't work for your patient, another one in the class probably will.
Objective MRI Evidence of Migraines?
Here's intriguing evidence that certain structural changes in the brain may be related to chronic migraines.
“Let Down” or “Weekend” Migraines
They work all week at stressful jobs without a headache--and spend the weekend in bed with a breakthrough migraine. What to do for them?
Which Triptan Should I Choose?
If one triptan doesn't work for your patient's migraines, try, try again. A neurologist offers tips on the pros and cons of the 6 available agents.
Migraine, Smoking--and Stroking
What it all boils down to: smoking is a risk factor for stroke--no matter your age or your migraine status.