Image IQ: Rash with Chills, Neck Pain, Acute Fever
Rash began with one lesion followed by tender, disseminated eruption; fevers spiked to 102°F. Test your visual diagnostic skills.
Image IQ: Recurrent Eyelid Purpura
Eyelid bruising was observed on a 64-year-old woman during routine skin cancer follow-up. She denied trauma or pain. What does this look like to you?
Shiny Pink Nodule on Malar Cheek
A 68-year-old woman presents with a new 6-mm nodule with central ulceration and a rolled border on the right cheek. What's your diagnosis? How would you treat?
A Confluent, Crusty Rash
How would you approach diagnosis of this widespread, nonpruritic rash? Lab work? Skin tests? Or will history and physical findings suffice?
The Case of an Itchy Scalp and Forehead Rash
Urticarial wet plaque, smaller pink urticarial lesions on the temple and eyelid, eyelid edema, no vesicles or pain. What's your diagnosis?
Post-test: Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer for Primary Care
Find out what you've learned after reading this month's Special Report articles on nonmelanoma lesions you may see in primary care practice.
A Painless, Rapidly-growing Nodule in a 74-year-old Woman
The solitary, keratotic lesion has grown quickly over one month. Infection? Neoplasia? What else is in your differential diagnosis?
Actinic Keratosis and Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Photodamage in Progress
Actinic keratosis and squamous cell carcinoma often are clinically indistinguishable. Get tips on what to look for and how to treat.
Three Suspicious Lesions on an Elderly Woman's Face
An 82-year-old woman presents for evaluation of an ear lesion--and receives a complete skin exam. Can you identify the 3 other lesions found?
A Pearly-pink Lesion on a 68-year-old Woman
What is this 6-mm shiny nodule on the face of a fair-skinned woman with moderate-to-severe photo damage?
Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer: A Primer for Primary Care
Primary care physicians will see many patients with early signs of nonmelanoma skin cancers. Test your visual diagnostic skills in this series.
Abdominal Ecchymosis
An elderly obese female presents with abdominal bruising following a motor vehicle accident. Can you ID the cause?
Eczema Herpeticum and Impetigo: What's the Common Underlying Problem?
Disruption in the epidermal barrier creates susceptibility to bacterial and viral colonization that can range in severity from benign to dermatologic emergency.
Temporary Henna Tattoo Could Leave an Indelible Mark
When in the Caribbean, why not get a tattoo? This man could now tell you exactly why to resist the vacation temptation.
Crusty Scalp Lesion
An 89-year-old woman is seen for an erosion on the frontal area of the scalp. History is positive for actinic keratosis. What's your Dx?
Recurrent Scalp Erosion in an Elderly Woman
The 89-year-old has used topical mupirocin twice daily for several weeks without improvement. Examine the images. What's your diagnosis?
An Asymptomatic Rash on the Low Back of an Older Woman
The patient says the incidental finding appeared in adulthood and has been stable for years. Can you identify this reticulated erythema?
Abdominal Lipodermatosclerosis and Elephantiasis Nostras Verrucosa
With the recent obesity epidemic, cases of abdominal lipodermatosclerosis are increasingly observed.
Morbidly Obese Man With Abdominal Wall Cellulitis
What’s the underlying cause of current cellulitis in this morbidly obese man?
Pustular Psoriasis
Texting without gloves while sitting on a ski lift explains the onset of this rash in a patient with a long history of widespread psoriasis.
Rapidly Fading Rash After Ski Weekend
This woman was snowboarding over a very cold weekend and developed a pustular rash at night after her activities.
Sarcoidosis: An Atypical Case
You might not think of sarcoidosis in this patient’s case, but that’s the point. Here: teaching points about a disease not to be missed.