Dike Drummond, MD - Brief Bio
Dike Drummond, MD, is a Mayo-trained family doctor, professional coach, author, speaker and trainer whose sole professional focus is addressing the modern burnout epidemic in physicians.
Multitasking Makes You Stupid
The neuroscience is clear-you can’t possibly get good at multitasking. It’s a myth. Rather than keep trying to improve the “skill,” why not try something different. Read on . . .
The Employed Physician’s Guide to Managing the Boss
If you're a practicing physician today, you've probably asked yourself, "If I'm not the boss anymore around here, how do I manage the person who is?" Find out, here, and get ready to take notes.
How to Transform Time Off Into Work-Life Balance
If it feels like you are drowning at work, you need way more than a few breaths at the surface to give yourself any kind of meaningful recovery.
2013 RAND-AMA Physician Satisfaction Study: 9 EHR Fails
". . . EHR usability represents a relatively . . . unique and vexing challenge to physician professional satisfaction.” The quote from study authors sums up the bulk of the sentiment-to-date.
Why “Physician Wellness” Is Such a Struggle
Why do committees set up to foster physician wellness often sputter and often die a quick death? Family physician and burnout coach Dr Dike Drummond reviews the reasons, and offers practical solutions. Read more, here.
Heal Physician Burnout Overnight
How do you know you are in Survival Mode? You believe patients, your nurse, the lab reports, and phone calls are out to get you. You become cynical and sarcastic-especially under your breath.
Can Digital Medicine Exert a Placebo Effect?
Will the placebo effect be wiped out once health care decisions are fully digital?
Doctor-Patient Communication: The Universal Upset Patient Protocol
Upset patients, angry patients drain your time and energy. Here is a simple 6-step protocol that works almost every time.
EHR Struggles and 3 Ways to Do It Well
The electronic health record adds new stresses to long work days and short office visits.
Batch Processing and the Science of Getting Home on Time
All non-urgent tasks-refills, phone messages, referrals-should be "batched" for twice-daily attention, morning and afternoon.
The Doctor’s Schedule “Hack” for More Work-Life Balance
Your everyday calendar must include your family and personal engagements as well as your work commitments.
Patient Satisfaction & P4P-Three Things Doctors Need to Know
Patient satisfaction scores will not be based on an average of scores from individual patient surveys.
Physician Burnout Presents Differently in Male and Female Doctors
The 3 classic signs and symptoms of burnout are emotional exhaustion, "depersonalization," and reduced accomplishment.