Restrictive Covenants: What's in Your Contract?
Dr Bobby Lazzara spends a Medical News Minute reminding you to pay close attention to all the fine print.
Terms and Termination: What's in your Agreement?
VIDEO: Reminder--employment contracts are long and complicated -- make sure you understand yours inside out, before you sign.
5 Top Medical Apps in One Minute: Video
Dr Bobby Lazzara reviews 5 medical apps available in iTunes. Which ones are you using?
Study: If You're Happy, I'm Happier (VIDEO)
A new study answers the question: If you are happy and your partner is happy, are each of you even happier?
First WHO Update to STI Guidelines since 2003
Data published in the US this summer on STIs suggested there may be a time when we are unable to treat gonorrhea infections.
Boxed Warnings Mandatory for Opioids and Benzodiazepines
In response to increasing combined misuse of both drug classes, the FDA requires all formulations to carry its strongest warning.
Study Finds Diabetes a Risk Factor for Excess Antibiotic Use
A large Danish study compared community antibiotic use and hospital-treated infections between people with and without type 2 diabetes.
Opioid-naive Patients at Risk for Chronic Opioid Use after Common Surgeries
Video: This Medical News Minute reviews the incidence of and risk factors for post-operative chronic opioid use among opioid-naive patients.
Hep C Spread in North America: When and How did it Start?
Timing of the rise of hep C in North America is a puzzle. In this Medical News Minute, Dr Bobby Lazzara toplines results of a new study that offer clarity.
Proton Pump Inhibitors Linked to Cognitive Decline
In this Medical News Minute, Dr Bobby Lazzara looks at the impact of PPI use on incident dementia in the elderly.
BP Variability Does More Damage than Hypertension Alone
Dr Bobby Lazzara reviews a new study that suggests reducing fluctuations in blood pressure in older adults could help prevent loss of cognitive function and verbal memory.
Media Coverage of Celebrity Breast Cancer Makes a Mark
In this Medical News Minute, Dr Bobby Lazzara reviews a study on the influence of media bias on far-reaching medical decisions in the general public.
Impact of Anticholinergic Drugs on Dementia
In this Medical News Minute, Dr Bobby Lazzara highlights what may be definitive research linking use of anticholinergic drugs to cognitive decline in older adults.