January 1st 2007After a professional football player died of heatstroke, national attention focusedon heat-related illnesses among athletes. However, many amateur and “weekend”athletes do not fully appreciate the stress that a hot environment places on theirbodies when they exercise. As the popularity of outdoor exercise and sports continuesto grow, the number of persons at risk for heat illnesses increases each year.This book-the first to focus exclusively on exertional heat illnesses-describes howto identify, treat, and prevent these disorders. Among the topics covered are thephysiology of heat stress; classification of heat illnesses; exertional heatstroke; heatexhaustion; exercise-associated collapse; heat syncope; exertional heat cramps; hyponatremia;minor heat illness, such as miliaria and sunburn; and predisposingfactors for exertional heat illnesses. Case reports appear throughout the text. Alsoincluded are reproducible checklists, charts, tables, algorithms, and photographs.