These asymptomatic bumps that developed on the groin area of a 16-year-old girl after her first sexual exposure are molluscum contagiosum. Central umbiliication distinguishes these lesions from warts.
Case 2:
These asymptomatic bumps developed on the groin area of a 16-year-old girl after her first sexual exposure.
Case 2: Molluscum contagiosum
This teenager had contracted molluscum contagiosum,B, a viral infection that can resemble warts. On close inspection, each lesion has a central umbilication, which distinguishes it from a wart.
HPV infection in women can cause genital warts, which should be considered in the differential. Bacterial folliculitis is typically tender and pustular. A milium appears as a deep whitehead–type comedone.
Molluscum contagiosum has 2 peaks of incidence1:
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Topical treatments include the following:
REFERENCE:1. Pannell RS, Fleming DM, Cross KW. The incidence of molluscum contagiosum, scabies and lichen planus. Epidemiol Infect. 2005;133:985-991.